Monday, May 18, 2009

Poll - A majority of Toronto Star readers are ignorant twits

Let’s see, the monarchy has been part of our history for hundreds years. It’s part of our British inheritance, our constitution and system of government. Yet a majority Toronto Star readers don’t think it’s a vital part of our identity:


Whether people like it or not, the monarchy is still an important part of our identity. But, based on the result and the comments, apparently that’s not the question the readers answered. These two morons for example:

JohnNada at 11:45 AM Monday, May 18 2009: Kings and Queens deserve no respect from free people. Why should I venerate or even respect a person because their ancestors were ruthless murderers who ruled people with an iron fist and gained their opulence off the backs of peasants and working men and women throughout the centuries. The idea that a family can rule over others because of "divine right" is abhorrent and disgusting.

rustie at 11:18 AM Monday, May 18 2009: What a shame these guys aren't fighting for Darfur or protect the endangered manatees because these are actual important things going on in today's world. Our queen and GG is costing Canadians millions in needless tax dollars and needs to go.


  1. I am an immigrant to Canada and understand the vital role of the Crown in our shared history. It is sad that so many Canadians have not been taught abot their own history and system of government.

    God save the Queen of Canada

  2. Well count me as an ignornant twit. I find the idea that someone might have special constituitional privileges by dint of birth absurd.

    Although I admit that retaining the monarchy might have value so far as maintaining tradition and political stability, it's not the constituitional system I would have chosen.

  3. A movement to a republic is just the thing Canada needs.

    The monarchy is an anachronism whose time has come.

    Liberty for the people!!!!

  4. Roy, I agree. And that's largely the problem. Too many Canadians don't know their history and therefore don't understand the tremendously positive contributions Britain has made to the world. Based on that ignorance too many want to jettison a perfectly sound constitutional system and trash a part of our heritage of which we should be very proud.

    rabbit, People like you and Dante may prefer a republic and that's fine. It doesn't necessarily make you ignorant. But we've always had a monarchy; and as you admit it's played an important role in Canada's history and government. So it's always been and continues to be a vital part of our identity - which, again, was the poll question.

  5. Of whose identity? Certainly not of my personal identity. If someone asked me about myself, I could go on for hours before even mentioning who my head of state is.

    Unless you mean there is some sort of collective "Canadian identity" that we all hold. I don't see how this is true at all. It is clearly part of our history of Canada's government, but that is a completely different thing than an identity. Please explain how something written in a history book that has no practical relevence to current life could possibly create an identity for a diverse group of individuals.
