Monday, June 15, 2009

“Feelings” - Theme song of the left

Many, if not most, leftists in the pursuit of power no doubt fall for their own emotive tripe. But whether they do or not it’s safe to say that they rely heavily on emotional themes in their appeals for public support.

Barack Obama wants his Supreme Court Justices to be empathetic, to be sensitive to peoples’ "stories" (especially their own), in deciding cases.

Leftist utopian egalitarianism is promoted with the rhetoric of "social justice", victimhood and grievance.

And most recently Mayor David Miller and his supporters have taken to calling for voting rights for Toronto’s immigrant non-citizens. Edward Michael George is on to them (Miller et al), in spades:)

Listen to the fucking language coming out of these idiots' mouths:....

... while I have no doubt that all of this is just so much cynical political maneuvering, I know too that somewhere in the back of these twits' minds there's this semi-formed notion that Toronto's "non-citizens" consist of a bunch of undernourished but impishly delightful pickpockets and chimney-sweeps clutching empty porridge bowls and singing in chorus "It's clear / we're / going to get along!" if only we'd listen....

... why is Janet Davis talking about going "to the heart of ensuring social inclusion" rather than just "ensuring social inclusion"? And why is David Miller stressing the fact that his mother was "single" in addition to being an "immigrant"? ...

Because they know that no matter how much question-begging puke about feelings they fling at us, we'll lap it up like dogs.

Indeed. And on the same subject today Rudyard Griffiths agrees that Miller is an idiot:

Toronto Mayor David Miller revived one of his favourite hobbyhorses, voting rights for non-citizens, and promptly provoked yet another conflict with his city's voters. ... Voting rights for non-citizens isn't simply a dumb idea -- it is downright pernicious.

But before hyperventilating about a crisis of democratic under-representation among immigrants, the Mayor should take a deep breath and remember ...

... Canada already has some of the least demanding citizenship laws of any advanced country.

... By removing municipal voting from the paltry bundle of rights that accrue to full citizens, Mayor Miller, and his progressive allies, risk exacerbating the very social divisions that their reforms are designed to heal.

... Worse still, a surging permanent resident population that could not vote in federal or provincial elections would introduce an ugly racial divide into our politics...

And on a closing note (with apologies to Morris Albert):

Feelings, for all my life I'll feel it.

... Feelings, wo-o-o feelings,

Feelings ...



  1. I know in my heart them right-wing extremists was burnin' crosses up there in Prince George.

  2. Already for federal elections they don't even demand proof of citizenship unless there is some problem. So who knows how many non-citizens already vote.

  3. Anon 1, Exactly, one of the few groups undeserving of a leftist's bleeding heart is the right wing. For them they go out of their way to demonize or fantasize nasty things about.

    Anon 2, No doubt true - we don't know how big a problem that is. But let's hope they don't go the Miller route and officially water down our citizenship any further.
