Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Dominion Day!


Update: David Warren expresses some thoughts on "Canada Day" that capture quite well how I feel.
David's example of our politicians and media "updating" the motto making it "From sea to sea to sea" is one I find particularly annoying. Not only is it tampering with our heritage (again!), presumably to be more inclusive, it's ridiculous to assume that the original "From sea to sea" excludes our northern boundaries any more than it excludes the southern one. I wonder when they'll begin pushing yet another "update" to make it "From sea to sea to sea to the USA" just to be sure no one feels left out!
[via Dr. Roy]


  1. Dominion Day has always sounded better than Canada Day.

    "...shall have dominion from sea to sea..."

    Sigh. Another gratuitous give-away of our heritage.

  2. Hi Halfwise, Agreed.
    Nevertheless, I bet it was a fine day for cruising the Big Pyrogy in a flashy Merc Cabrio.

  3. Cruising? Oh yes. Yes indeed.

    Car is in for its Out of Province Inspection today. Guys at the garage have not seen anything like it.

    But it is a subdued sort of flashy...
