Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jennifer Lynch is lying liar

Ezra Levant reviews CHRC commissar Jennifer Lynch’s recent attempts to defend her abusive commission and focuses on her disdain for truth:
We already know how little regard Jennifer Lynch has for the truth. She put it in her grostesque, unsolicited memo to Parliament last month when she suggested that truth be removed from the Criminal Code as a defence to the charge of hate propaganda.
In her latest letter to the National Post she proves yet again that she has no compunction about lying, lying to the public and lying to Parliament.
If one has no compunction about lying, surely one ought to be smart about it. That is, a successful sociopath would not tell lies that are too easily checkable. But that is precisely what Lynch did in yesterday's National Post newspaper. ...
[the litany of lies follows]
And in conclusion:
Jennifer Lynch is a liar.
She lies about many things -- more all the time.
Politics tolerates a lot of lies.
But her lie denying her staff's bigoted comments on Nazi websites?
That's the lie that is going to get her fired.
What will it take for the Justice Minister to undo his mistake?

Update: Based on BCF's remark in the comments about Lynch's appointment term I did some checking. According to this document the Chief Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner are appointed for SEVEN year terms with the provisos "good behaviour" and "may be removed at any time by the GiC on address of the Senate and House of Commons".


  1. I sent an e-mail to Mr. Nicholson almost a month ago concerning Ms. Lynch. He couldn't even to be bothered to acknowledge receiving my e-mail let alone addressing the topic. I also sent one to Jim Prentice about HIS actions following Obama on cap and trade and was informed it would be passed on to Environment Canada even though it was Mr. Prentice I was questioning. The conservatives are becoming quite talented at the BRUSH OFF
    Rob C

  2. Well I fear Harper may simply be letting Lynch end her term next spring and appoint a replacement.

  3. lynch must be insane or she thinks we all are.

  4. BCF, I did some checking into appointment terms and discovered things may be worse than expected. According to this document the Chief Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner are SEVEN year terms with the provisos "good behaviour" and "may be removed at any time by the GiC on address of the Senate and House of Commons".

  5. Holy Crap! 7 years of Lynchian madness!
