Friday, August 21, 2009

Woman suing Canada for $2.5 million

Big surprise! Suaad Hagi Mohamud, stranded in Kenya because of questions about her Canadian identity, is suing:

‘I don't care about money,' ‘I'm only (going) to court so this never happens to another Canadian citizen.'
Uh huh.

CTV poll


  1. Memories of Arar,best she sue the Kenyan government and she what rewards she will receive.

  2. Good grief! Another attack on the Canadian tax payer, perhaps we should all sue her, for her lack of gratitude for the opportunities to be found here. Why is it our "fault" for the way she was treated by a Kenyan goverment. My Grandfather came here as a 9 year old "orphan immigrant" at the turn of the century from Scotland, he was placed on a farm in Manitoba and treated like a rented mule. He walked away as soon as he was old enough, eventualy married and raised 10 kids, there are about 500 desendants today. Who do I sue? He just got on with it, I am very much sick and tired of these people. Lottery winners that never bought a ticket.
    Cheers Bubba

  3. *
    ms mohamud has now retained prominent race-specialist litigator julian falconer... to press her "it's not about the money" lawsuit...

    “If a Caucasian person had been in Suaad's position in Kenya, would she have received the callous and reckless treatment she did?” he said.

    I dunno Julian... maybe you could ask Bill Sampson.


  4. Hey, one more selfish, ungrateful, golddiging refugee. This, far-left selfish bimbo is what is wrong with our refugee system; we are allowing too many of these golddigers who are here as economical refuges.

    If we had a conservative government it would re-write the refugee,immigration and multicultural laws of this country.

    If whe doesn't "care about the money" but only wants to make a point, why doesn't she sue the government for $2.50 rather than $2.5 million?

  5. She didn't look like her passport picture.
    NO other documentation is acceptable (drivers licence etc) and that is stated on the travel advisory.

    Where is the Government of Canada to blame?
    She didn't look like her passport picture.

  6. Something smells in this whole thing? Where is the sister in all of this? Seems like a set up to me - another pseudo scandal to make the government look like it is racist.

    And just before a supposed election call - imagine that?

    Smells just a little too convenient.

  7. William in Ajax says..

    A Canadian High Commission employee by the name of Liliane Khadour prevented her from returning to Canada, and referred her to the Kenyan authorities.

    Liliane Khadour, may have acted in a malicious and incompetant manner...
    Sue the hell out of her tax dollars.

    No amount of law suit against the taxpayer will ever force a public servant to change his behaviour,
    why would's NOT money out HIS pocket but yours and mine.

    Compensate, YES (within reason), law suit against taxpayers NO, law suit against Liliane Khadour ..YES...!

    And NO, lefties, conservatives are not responsible, there are guidelines High commision staff MUST follow.

    The staff member (Liliane Khadour) is at fault, not my tax dollars.

    Why should we have to pay for her incompetance?

    If taxpayers end-up paying for this law suit, it will mean a back-door acceptance that
    Liliane Khadour and her actions speak for ALL canadians.
    We would be accepting responsibility for this womans actions.

    NOT in my bloody lifetime...

    Send a letter to your MP .."SUE Liliane Khadour".. NOT the Taxpayer

  8. "‘I don't care about money,' ‘I'm only (going) to court so this never happens to another Canadian citizen.'
    Uh huh."

    actually, that is the very reason for awarding punative damages: to ensure that the practice is not readily repeated.


  9. "perhaps we should all sue her, for her lack of gratitude for the opportunities to be found here"

    including the opportunity to seek recompense. maybe they should all sue you....


  10. "Where is the Government of Canada to blame?
    She didn't look like her passport picture."

    because she is the person in the picture in her passport. a legal document binds two ways.


  11. the passport switch ahs been used by people from Somalia fror sometime now. If she thinks Canada is a problem what does she think of her home country. I'm sick of Canadians of opportunity . Please, if you don't like it hear you are FREE to leave.

  12. "Sue the hell out of her tax dollars."

    She works for the Stephen Harper Government ie the Cdn taxpayer. That is why we are on the hook. Maybe if the Cons hired educated people, we would not have this problem. Wait...hahahahaha

    "Please, if you don't like it hear you are FREE to leave." elitist...

  13. "Something smells in this whole thing?"

    Spending too much time mucking out the horse stalls again, 'Berty Gal?

  14. Just one more example of a lying, selfish, me-first, greedy gold digging refugee and how they treat the country that was good enough to give them a home and a standard of living beyond their dreams. If she is not doing it "for the money" then she should be suiting for $2.50 rather than $2.5 million.

    Just one more example of Canada’s broken immigration refugee system which our conservative in name only (CINO) government refuses to alter. Our left plunging PM and Immigration Minister would rather suck up to the immigrants for votes than protect citizens from these criminals/terrorist.

    Immigration and/or refugee professionals have been calling on our CINO Prime Minister and Immigration minister to initiate a comprehensive review pursuant to our immigration, refugee, and/or multicultural policies.

    Many specialists contend that we must decrease our immigration/ refugee numbers , since their economic value is extremely limited. They suggest that the numbers must be decreased down to a level which we can actually screen potential immigrants and refugees more adequately. All agree that governments must stop caving into pro-immigration groups’ demands in order to gain votes.


  15. Alberta Grill:
    "...another pseudo scandal to make the government look like it is racist."

    The gov't IS racist. Yer welcome...

  16. "if you don't like it hear you are FREE to leave."

    and if you are a citizen, you are not free to return....


  17. "The gov't IS racist"

    there's no question that it's supporters most certainly are.


  18. *
    oh, look... it's "canadian 'jewily speaking' cynic" and all his little squirrels come out to play.

    don't you guys have to stay in this weekend... and iron those brown shirts?


  19. thanks for staying on-topic, neo. what would this discussion be without your profound participation.


  20. *
    ah, yes... cc's pottymouthed, lickspittle little brother kevron... you're just all about the rules aren't ya?

    "do "c@nt" and "cunt mean the same thing?
    Posted by KEvron to halls of macadamia at 11:12 PM, May 03, 2008


  21. *
    and hey... let's not forget kevvy's sidekick ti-guy... always there with the homo-erotic quips...

    ""Hey Stalker? Suck my fat cock. :)"
    Posted by Ti-Guy to halls of macadamia at 4:49 AM, August 19, 2007

    still trollin' around the blogosphere doing bobby day's dirty work, huh girls?

    and, of course, where there's the toady twins, there's usually ol' red...

    "Ejaculation. There you go, five whole syllables! That should do the trick. And the folks at Kleenex® thank you for your continued patronage."
    Posted by Red Tory to halls of macadamia at 10:43 PM, December 26, 2007

    you dumbsticks just crack me up.


  22. thanks for staying on-topic, neo. what would this discussion be without your profound participation....


  23. *
    so kev... how exactly does this work?

    canadian cynic (the now famous robert day) links to the post here... red tory piles on... and you and ti-ti, little lefty lemmings that you are... zoom over here to choke up the comment thread.

    but your big concern is that i stay on topic? sorry, puss... maybe when i come visit you at your blog you can lay down the law.

    hey... why don't you & ti-ti file a complaint with the chrc... that'd show me.


  24. thanks for staying on-topic, neo. what would this discussion be without your profound participation....

    but, since you brought it up: "do "c@nt" and "cunt mean the same thing? you never did answer the question.


  25. *
    oh, kevvy... it's just not the same when you don't "lol" me.

    besides, troll-boy... i'd better stay on topic.


  26. thanks for staying on-topic, neo. what would this discussion be etc, etc....


  27. "Send a letter to your MP .."SUE Liliane Khadour".. NOT the Taxpayer"

    lol! i think you had better address that letter to the actual plaitiff, ms. mohamud. i would also recommend that you ask her nicely.


  28. I can understand the reluctance to hand over money that would take most of us a lifetime to earn in before-tax income for what amounts to a three-month delay in her life. But I can't understand the resentment toward her, or the unfounded accusations which besmirch her character.

    I'd like to know who among you would not sue the Canadian government for being in the exact same circumstances.

    Worse than that, your above poll asks whether she should be "compensated" for her ordeal, an answer which I think any sensible person would make in the affirmative. Of course she deserves compensation, if at least for lost wages, her mother's bail money, and for some pain and suffering.

    Truly, where has our humanity been lost that we only see the money and not the person here?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. *
    "raphael asks... where has our humanity been lost"

    raph... you mind very much if the government asks a few questions about this thing before handing over a couple million taxpayer smackers?

    or do we just pay out to every person who threatens a lawsuit?

    just askin'.


  31. "or do we just pay out to every person who threatens a lawsuit?"

    nice straw man, neo. yeah, that's what everyone wants, and only you are smart enough to know better. what an intellectually dishonest douchebag you are.


  32. *
    "kevvy wails... intellectually dishonest douchebag"

    ah, yes -- the much under-utilised... "you're a big poopyhead" gambit.

    kevron, once again, in terms they can't possibly fail to appreciate... plays to his target demographic.


  33. Raph, neo makes a good point. I hope the gov't takes a good look at the facts of the case, as it says it will, and not just cough up taxpayers' cash to shut everyone up.

    Maybe embassy staff screwed up, maybe they had good reason to suspect fraud and maybe some of both. Whatever. But when people sue for millions and say they don't care about the money it's not much wonder a lot of people are skeptical. It's also not hard to envision lawyers in the background egging her on for a nice fat contingency payday.
