Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bennett spreading Canadian healthcare bullcrap

Liberal MP Carloyn Bennett testifying before a US Senate committee:


"I believe we need to defend our system in order to help the president and help our neighbour's citizens to make sure that no child is born uncovered. This is, I think, our responsibility as a citizen of the world," Bennett said.

... I was asked to explain why we pay less but get better results ...

Liberal bullcrap extraordinaire!


  1. Anytime Bennett opens her mouth the chances are good it will be bullcrap.

    Rob C

  2. I have a relative in BC who's a doctor and this relative often refers to Bennett as a Quack, and that is referring to Bennetts medical skills and knowledge.

  3. I didn't know that Dr. Bennett was Canada's international representative on Health Care? Who funded this little junket to Washington? Does she travel the world defending our universal medicare to anyone who will listen? (Dr. Keith Martin would have been a more credible witness). Is she the unoffical ambassador of Healthcare for the Canadian government? Her appearance at the Senate committee was laughable. The GOP Senator treated her like a self-serving eccentric. She was left sputtering at the table. Cheers.

  4. All excellent points! Thanks. Bennett and the many quacks like her are why our own system remains unreformed.
