Saturday, October 24, 2009

Those useless climate models

More evidence confirming Lawrence Solomon's assessment of useless climate models (see previous post) comes from James Hansen's GISS modeling of ocean heat content.







Oops, wrong again, James!

... What Mr. Hansen fails to acknowledge is that ENSO also has significant impacts outside of the tropics.

If and when GCMs like those used by GISS, and in turn by the IPCC, are capable of reproducing ENSO events and their multiyear aftereffects on SST, TLT, and OHC anomalies, they may be capable of determining Earth’s energy imbalance ... At present, they are not.

And since AGW alarmist fanatics like Hansen are only interested in models that "predict" catastrophe they never will be.


  1. Hansen will clutch at any straw. He has alienated so many people on the sane side of the scientific community that he can't afford to have his fear mongering tactics overturned. There is nothing in the scientific community that so reduces ones status and credibility as to be laughed at. Hansen is rapidly approaching that realm and it looks good on him.

  2. Yes, excellent point. And hopefully his reduction in status to laughing stock would get him fired from his NASA job.
