Wednesday, January 6, 2010

“Avatar” a leftist propaganda flick

Nile Gardiner - "the most expensive piece of anti-American propaganda ever made":

... Avatar is also a distinctly political work of art, with a strong anti-American and anti-Western message. It can be read on several levels – a critique of the Iraq War, an assault on the US-led War on Terror, a slick morality tale about the ‘evils’ of Western imperialism, a futuristic take on the conquest of America and the treatment of native Americans – the list goes on.

... director James Cameron has made it abundantly clear that the film is linked to both the war in Iraq and the War on Terror. In an interview with The Times he declared:

"We went down a path that cost several hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives. I don’t think the American people even know why it was done. So it’s all about opening your eyes."

"We know what it feels like to launch the missiles. We don’t know what it feels like for them to land on our home soil, not in America. I think there’s a moral responsibility to understand that."

Quelle surprise! It’s a Hollywood production, after all.

Incredible - an industry that thrives on capitalism, wouldn’t exist without it, constantly spewing anti-American, anti-capitalist propaganda.

But with a promoter of left-wing propaganda in the White House (see Obama-NEA scandal), it can only get worse.

Time to resurrect Joe McCarthy.


  1. Totally correct analysis. I thought the same thing watching it. I actually very much enjoyed it even so.

  2. I lasted 20 minutes. Told my bud I would see him after he got out of the sermon.

    If want to be preached to, I will do it in a church.

  3. I thought it was pretty good.It doesnt change my support of the military though.Nor does it change my mind about what i suspect is a global warming shenanigans going.Seriously how can a tax scheme help the planet?You want to help the planet?Stop littering in the major cities for a start.Then we will go from there.


    Psst!It entertainment thats all it is :D!

  4. Then again, maybe it's just a science fiction story cooked up by someone who wanted to make a motion picture.

  5. Just another sci-fi flick? Doubtful. Cameron's own words belie that notion. Also, in general, it's nearly impossible to argue that Hollywood hasn't clearly demonstrated its strong pro-left, anti-capitalist attitude. Just ask people like Jon Voigt how lonely it is being a Republican supporter in Hollywood.

  6. It is precisely through the stories it tells than a society teaches its morals.

    It used to be true around bronze-age (and before) campfires.

    It was - and is - true in the stories from the Bible taught in Sunday schools or other religion's versions thereof.

    And it is no less true now, when we get our 'stories' in the form of movies and TV shows.

    That is how social norms are created, how symbols become part of a culture, creating the social fabric in which we exist.

    And that is why propaganda movies like 'Avatar' are bad for us all - and why I did not go to see that movie...

    P.S. There was an awesome, quite popular cartoon TV show called 'Avatar', we watched the whole series as a family. It was great! And not at all related to THIS 'Avatar'.... I wonder why they would use the same name for the movie. Did they not bother doing a search, or are they just so arrogant that they don't care, they figure they'll just drown out the 'little show' with their publicity machine?

  7. I loved the movie but admit the story is hardly original. The idea of humans invading another world is new but otherwise an old story retold eg. Pocahontas. The film excels in its use of technology and the whole spectacle that it is. Regarding the story as told, it is not offensive to me and I consider myself a real conservative. A real conservative means CONSERVING when you have to do it. So the story is not offensive because the humans it portrays have f*cked up the world they have and want to rape and pillage another one. They did attempt to buy the natives off but right from the movie "you have nothing that we want." In that case you move on to do business with somebody else. Business people and conservatives are not tyrants nor savages I think. (real conservative)

  8. The last time I had the misfortune to sit through a Socialist Realist western was "Heaven's Gate".

    The $500 million in special effects and 3D cinematography was very impressive, but the thin plot and one dimensional characters made me glad I saw this on a Tuesday.

    For SF geeks, the actual "SFnalness" of the movie was pretty weak as well, Pandora and its creatures were about as alien as anything you might see in downtown Toronto...

  9. I think its hard for ignorant people, such as this writer to grasp anything outside his own home, and his little bubble. The plot of this movie was written over 12 years ago, if he had done his research he would have known that, those quotes where taken out of contexts by the way. And if you twats knew anything about capitalism it's hole purpose is for the strong to pray on the weak. Not to mention you cannot be a Christan, and be in favor of capitalism, it goes against the fundamental teachings of Christ. James just wants peoples eye's to be opened, for people to care about the low man on the totem pole..

  10. This movie should have been subtitled "Dances With Smurfs".

  11. hey atlanticJim - If stupidity could fly... you needed a pair of shoes from solid metal, really... such a comment... jesus throw brain on earth! and I hope some hits you...

  12. We're immersed in a society that is propagandistic, a propaganda coming in many forms and sources, whether left, right, centrist. Our workplaces are tainted with an ideology that see's each worker having to believe that they must submit themselves to a managerial system primarily serving the needs of capital. Such phenomena is perceived as "natural" in the alienated being. Right-wing propaganda is predominant in this society. Therefore, when a superb film like Avatar comes along, it stands out amidst the shallowness of things neoliberal, something distinct from what we perceive as "normal", making it an easy target for what is effectively a rightwing attack.
