Sunday, January 31, 2010

Iggy's Senate reforms

According to CTV News:

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff laid out some broad Senate reform ideas Sunday, including term limits and a curb on the prime minister's ability to stack the Upper House with his own picks.

... More specifically, Ignatieff proposed a 12-year term limit on Senate positions and an arms-length committee tasked with vetting candidates.

Amazing! The only time a Liberal would ever suggest curbing the PM's ability to "stack the Upper House" is when a Conservative is in power and threatening to gain a majority there. And twelve year terms? Don't the Consrvatives favour 8 year limits?
And this was the result of an accompanying poll earlier in the day (Oddly it's disappeared from sight and has been replaced with one unrelated to this topic. I wonder why?Now here.):


  1. The people commenting at CTV call Iggy on the exact same thing. Why now and not a year ago when they had a majority? Glad to see that most people can see right through the Liberals for what they are, power hungry.

  2. The moved the poll off their default page, it's here:

    After that vicious attack on PMSH over prorogation, now Libs have to at least appear 'democratic'
    ...yah, their leader is NOT elected but appointed,
    so you see why Iffy is ok with appointed Senators, just not appointed by this govt.

    PMSH gets what he wants, everyone talking Senate reform, ha.

  3. Hunter, exactly.

    Wilson, thanks. Post amended.

  4. Iggy is becoming too predictable.

    The only change here is that instead of coming to the same conclusion that conservatives came to in a matter of weeks, he finally arrived at the same conclusion after 20 years.
    The only part he left out was the last e....equal.
    He should have checked with one of his liberal senators (Baker) before he opened his mouth.
    Baker was the one that was adamantly insisting that any senate change needed a constitutional amendment.

  5. Iggy is becoming too predictable.

    The only change here is that instead of coming to the same conclusion that conservatives came to in a matter of weeks, he finally arrived at the same conclusion after 20 years.
    The only part he left out was the last e....equal.
    He should have checked with one of his liberal senators (Baker) before he opened his mouth.
    Baker was the one that was adamantly insisting that any senate change needed a constitutional amendment.

  6. The CTV poll is closed,

    Panels to vet appointees 6%
    Elections by province 50%
    Abolishment 35%
    Leave as is 9%

    Another lame out of touch Iffy 'policy'....Iffy, not qualifed

  7. So Iffy thinks a panel picked by the PM to pick the senators the PM wants is better than the PM picking the Senators? I don't see the outcome as any different except the PM escapes accountability for the choices.
    Typical Liberal smoke and mirrors.

  8. Congress will never allow us to constitutionally term limit them by an amendment. But we can impose term limits on them by taking these steps in the coming Congressional elections (‘2010, 2012, 2014):

    1. Don’t reelect your Congressman or Senator. Get friends to do the same.
    2. Always vote, but only for the strongest challenger regardless of party .
    3. If your incumbent runs unopposed, vote for his strongest challenger, regardless of party. Especially, never reelect an “unopposed” incumbent!!

    If Congress has not passed a term limits bill by 2014, repeat this in 2016, 2018.

    Our only intelligent choice is to NEVER REELECT any of them! They will definitely get the message, sooner rather than later.

    The only infallible, unstoppable, guaranteed way to get a truly new Congress and a new politics is NEVER REELECT ANY INCUMBENT! DO IT EVERY ELECTION until term limits is ratified. In other words, don't let anyone serve more than one term until Congress passes a term limits bill!

    The number of ‘good guys’ left in Congress is negligible. If we threw out ALL 535 members, we would be better off, by turning Congress into a bunch of honest, innocent, inexperienced freshmen.

    NEVER REELECT ANYONE IN CONGRESS. DO IT EVERY ELECTION! ... until we have term limits.

  9. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
