Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ann Coulter and free speech in Canuckistan

Predictably, Ann Coulter's Canadian speaking tour is stimulating controversy. Taking the cake is the laughably sanctimonious condescension of one Francois Houle, Provost, University of Ottawa, lecturing Miss Coulter on Canada's approach to free speech and warning her to watch what she says or risk criminal charges. Nice touch - Ann will be very thankful for the publicity for her speaking tour and the fodder for further ridiculing Canuckistan.

Mark Steyn's reaction. And lots more at Blazing Cat Fur.

Ann Coulter to U of WO Muslim student - "... take a camel". Heh :)

Also, today Marni Soupcoff claims the whole episode proves that Canadians just don't understand the meaning of free speech - which is a fairly well known fact confirmed by our "human-rights" laws, our "Human Rights" Commissions and Tribunals and today's poll in the Globe & Mail:

It's all very entertaining .... but at the same time, weirdly pathetic.

Anyway, Ann Coulter rocks! Too bad her tour doesn't include Victoria.

Update from BCF: University of Ottawa disgraces itself - cancels Coulter.

And here's the CBC poll: Ann Coulter: Should she limit her speech in Canada?
Note. The CBC poll results have significantly turned around since they were posted here.


  1. Did they cut off the poll before it reached western Canada??? I can't find a place to vote.

  2. Carole McNeil just finished talking about this on the CBC. She closed with "you never hear anything about left wing pundits"

    Really? Keith Olberman, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, the Huffington Post, Janine Garafoolo, Sean Penn, and 3/4 of Hollywood. They never say anything outlandish.

  3. L, go to the G&M main page. The poll is there.

    Iceman, Exactly! McNeil is a typical CBC lefty - rhetoric from idiots like those you mention is mainstream commentary.

  4. Coulter says extreme and silly stuff to sell books. Nobody takes her seriously. I am pretty sure that Harper is not pursuing a policy of converting all muslims to Christianity and killing thoise that refuse to convert. Maybe Ann will get Harper to see it her way. Who knows.

  5. No big surprise that 53% of G&M readers think Ann Coulter should shut up.
    It's the Globe and Mail after all.
    That would be like Wherry at Macleans running a poll.....ha

  6. Watching Coulter on Power Play, I thought we Cdn Cons need another Deb Gray front and center.
    Stinging comebacks, to the point, take no crap kinda gal.

  7. I watched Ann Coulter on Power Play I am now a fan!Ther is a poll up at cbc Ann Coulter:Should she limit her speech in Canada. The yes side is winning I think it needs some help!!!

  8. Wow! Just wow! Ann Coulter is garnering just the kind of attention she no doubt dreams of. You can't buy this kind of publicity.

  9. That's exactly what it's about, isn't it? Coulter has always been a publicity whore (no double entendre intended), and the University of Ottawa has given her exactly what she wants.

    What a bunch of drama queens.

  10. I'm thinking about writing a book entitled If Ann Coulter Dressed Like a Lesbian She'd Be Rachel Maddow.
