Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Canadian CEOs for central planning

Terence Corcoran mocks the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) calling them the "Canadian Council of Central Planning Executives (CCCPE?)".  The council of corporatists has just published a report calling for:
... national energy strategy, a nationwide carbon tax, subsidized investment in technology, mass government indoctrination to force lifestyle changes ...
Ie. NEP on stilts, all predicated on "climate change". Gaakkk!

Update: Peter Foster weighs in with "Yellow brick road to green serfdom":
... What we have here is further evidence of the CEO2 crisis, the fact that the Canadian corporate community has folded en masse before the quite possibly bogus threat of catastrophic man-made climate change....
... The problem is that we are talking about the Road to Serfdom, Friedrich Hayek’s magnificent metaphor for state planning....
...when you realize the CCCE’s supine stance toward climate activism and its fatalism about bad policy — not only does this new report fail to reflect the crumbling politics of climate change, it fails to record the bubbling controversy over the science. No mention of Climategate here.
According to the CCCE, Canada would be better off with one grand, co-ordinated bad policy rather than lots of disjointed ones. ...
... This whole document is a refutation of Prof. Hayek’s insight that the key to successful markets and prosperity is the dispersion of decision-making to those with the knowledge and ideas. Such people can’t be expected to turn up at endless wonkish town hall meetings to justify themselves and explain how their efforts fit into The Plan. But that’s the idea. Only activists ever turn up for “dialogues.” Meanwhile the whole “sustainable” thrust represents just the latest and most virulent political attack on freedom. You might expect that the CCCE would have something good to say about free markets. You'd be wrong....
The CCCE needs new leadership, preferably someone commited to economic freedom and freedom from grandiose corporatist state planning. FOSTER FOR PRESIDENT!


  1. I gather they did not get the memo the CCE shut down in October. Fund your own research.

  2. i think that's called fascism.
