Thursday, January 6, 2011

Most published global warming research findings are a crock

Dr. Roy Spencer applies a medical research article to argue that most published global warming research findings are false:
...While the article comes from the medical research field, it is sufficiently general that some of what it discusses can be applied to global warming research as well.

I would argue that the situation is even worse for what I consider to the central theory of the climate change debate: that adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere causes significant warming of the climate system....
The first problem ...
A second related problem ...
A third problem ...
A fourth problem ... -- the source of funding ... I can’t think of a single scientific study that has been funded by an oil or coal company.  But what DOES exist is a large organization that has a virtual monopoly on global warming research in the U.S., and that has a vested interest in AGW theory being true: the U.S. Government.
So, when some scientist says we “know” that warming is human-caused, I cringe at the embarrassing abundance of scientific ignorance on display. No wonder the public doesn’t trust scientific predictions — just as suggested by the 2005 study I mentioned at the outset, those predictions have almost always been wrong!  [But what about that 97% 'consensus'?]
[Via FOS]

1 comment:

  1. I feel enough of researching and we need to make awareness programs and also the government should act fast to make every thing green!!

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