Sunday, February 27, 2011

Junk climate "science" an excuse to bilk the public

Christopher Booker notes that the public is being had by players with vested interests in hyping global warming hysteria:
As the great global warming scare continues to crumble, attention focuses on all those groups that have a huge interest in keeping it alive. Governments look on it as an excuse to raise billions of pounds in taxes. Wind farm developers make fortunes from the hidden subsidies we pay through our electricity bills. A vast academic industry receives more billions for concocting the bogus science that underpins the scare. Carbon traders hope to make billions from corrupt schemes based on buying and selling the right to emit CO2. ...
And focuses on the likely grand-daddy of them all - the re-insurance industry.
... no financial interest stands to make more from exaggerating the risks of climate change than the re-insurance industry, which charges retail insurers for “catastrophe cover”, paid for by all of us through our premiums. ...
Booker refers to a study recently published in Nature and to Willis Eschenbach's dissection of it in a guest post at WUWT.  Eschenbach concludes that the study is junk and faults Nature for publishing it:
The problem is not computer models. The problem is Nature Magazine trying to pass off the end results of a long computer model daisy-chain of specifically selected, untested, unverified, un-investigated computer models as valid, falsifiable, peer-reviewed science.
But Booker sees another problem noting that two of the junk study's coauthors work for the insurance industry:

Two of their co-authors are from Risk Management Solutions (RMS), a California-based firm which is the world leader in advising the insurance industry on climate change...
... this is not the first time that this leading adviser to the world’s re-insurance industry has been involved in a controversial bid to heighten alarm over the consequences of climate change. ...

... In October 2005, in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster, RMS held a meeting in Bermuda with four hurricane specialists, all of the alarmist persuasion, to quiz them as to how they thought hurricane activity was likely to be affected between 2006 and 2010, thanks to climate change ...

Junk climate science, working in the service of screwing us over.

[Via where there are some good comments from Christopher Booker]. See also.


  1. Thanks for taking the time and effort to wade through all of this stuff.

    I just can't imagine anyone, even those who have faith in AGW, aren't completely fed up with the sophistry and fraudulent practices of the stakeholders. The more ensconced we become as subjects of the State where we have little, if any, direct influence in the seedy machinations of government, the more apparent it becomes that there is only one legitimate function of the State and that is to recognize and protect property rights.

  2. My pleasure, John. And thanks for your comments - right on the money.

  3. Well said!!!

    Both the warm-mongers and the eco-statists have vested interests and neither group will let the facts get in the way of their agenda (and their cash-cows)!

  4. isn't it funny that the AGW doomsayers aren't actually behaving as if there really is a crisis and they continue to reap the benefits of the fossil fuel economy while telling the rest of us that we have to live a more "simple lifestyle".
    What I'd like to know is what exactly do these eco-pinheads mean by "simple lifestyle". Personally I don't think I want to live in the solyent green world these kooks want us to live in.
