Sunday, March 27, 2011

Here for Canada Rally in Burnaby

The Harper Rally starts in less than 2 hours.  I had best be on my way.

Update: Good rally of about 500-700 enthusiastic folks.  Harper's speech was excellent, as usual.  Two main themes: "coalition" and "unnecessary, foolish election" - though Canada's done relatively well compared with the rest of the developed world - this is no time to waste time and money playing political games.


  1. Take some video and download it! Edmonton gets to rally for Harper on Monday, unfortunately I have to work.

  2. Sorry, didn't get any video, Hunter. Should be on the news tonight though. Bob Fife and crew were there in all their glory.

  3. Only 500-700? The media were hyping the 100 +/- that came out to see Ignatieff today. Refuse to watch the local news so I have no idea if this was covered or not.

  4. You do realize the whole coalition line is bogus right?
