Thursday, March 31, 2011

More CBC Liberal bias exposed

Big deal, you say. Anybody with half a clue knows that the CBC has a hopelessly blatant left bias. 
Maybe, but that doesn't mean every new instance shouldn't be exposed.  So, here's another one.

CBC's "Vote Compass", an on-line voter preference tool, is deliberately skewed in favour of Liberals.

Here's a National Post story.



  1. LOL! Non partisan organization called left leaning, I have proof from this far right wing bias organization.

  2. Is it true that one of the creators of this compass thingy worked on the Counts leadership campaign.

  3. "Non partisan organization ..." LOL!:D

    It would seem so Mary.

  4. Sounds to me like Elections Canada ought to take some action - at least attribute the CBC budget for the duration of the campaign as Liberal Party election spending.

    The CRTC could step in, too. They should make a general ruling that, due to the necessary bias, ALL the state-owned media must be shut down and off the air during elections....

  5. Vancouver Sun April 1st: "He (Loewen) was also one of dozens of volunteer PhD students who wrote policy memos for Ignatieff when Ignatieff was in the running for the Liberal leadership."

    If he was hired to do a study it would be one thing, but this seems to indicate he volunteered to work for the Liberal Party - Michael Ignatieff in particular. Certainly brings the credibility of his online programme into question.

  6. You glossed over the part where he worked on a Tory campaign in the East Coast. Biased much?

  7. Please share your views here is a reliable source for exposing numbers, facts, and figures that do not conform to conservative ideals.
