Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mark Steyn on the BBC

And the OC Register.


  1. Let's hope his warnings will be heeded in time....just don't hold your breath hoping for it!

  2. I'm glad she finally corrected her pronunciation...
    I was beginning to wonder who this Steen character was she kept refering to.
    She tried to label him a radical...
    Steyn held his own!

    William in Ajax

  3. Thanks for posting this. It wasn't available to American viewers at the BBC link.

  4. I couldn't see the BBC linked video either. Luckily, someone posted it to YouTube.

    I'm half-way through "After America" and liking it even more than "America Alone". Steyn is certainly a master at making you laugh while scaring the crap out of you.
