Friday, June 22, 2012

Rio+20 a miserable flop. Glad to hear it!

Peter Foster:
“[N]othing less than a disaster for the planet,” declared Nnimmo Bassey, Nigerian poet and chair of Friends of the Earth International. “[A]n epic failure,” claimed Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace International executive director. ‘[A] colossal waste of time,” chimed in Jim Leape, international director-general of World Wildlife Fund.

An umbrella group of NGOs bemoaned the official text’s lack of mention of “planetary boundaries, tipping points or planetary carrying capacity,” the very shibboleth’s of radical environmentalism’s zero-sum thinking.

Significantly, the mother and father of sustainable development, Gro Harlem Brundtland and Maurice “Chairman Mo” Strong, carped — or should that be gro-aned and mo-aned — from the Rio sidelines.

... Canada should be justly proud of being in the vanguard of this return to balance both via its withdrawal from Kyoto and the environmental provisions of Bill C-38, which do not seek to trash safeguards — as alarmists have suggested — but to eliminate duplication, bureaucratic overreach, and the potential for sheer obstructionism.
Meanwhile, once again, Canada Awarded “Fossil of the Day” in Rio [makes me proud]:
... Environment Minister Peter Kent said the awards are politically motivated, and don't reflect Canada's commitment to promoting sustainable development at a global level. [I hope that means Canada's commitment to global "sustainable development" is non-existent]. ...

Kent agreed with the fossil-award nominators, however, that Canada does not want to discuss funding for the green economy. ... "... There are some countries that would like Rio to be a pledging conference for wealth transfer," the minister said. ...


  1. Canada would even do better by withdrawing from the whole UN, which is such a cesspool. We need to stop signing on to these UN agreements which are geared to global government and jeopardise our sovereignty.

  2. Two things, first Canada should be proud to accept the fossil awards.. I'd want the Effing T-rex to prove we aren't buying their socialist redistribution scheme. And second, I echo Alain.. its way past time Canada booted the UN to the curb.

  3. I don't get any comfort from reading your cherry-picked quotes from Kent. If you read the whole article it is quite clear that he (ie, the CPC government) is dedicated to global sustainable development and to global wealth transfer provided that the economy is fixed first. Unfortunately, that means that this government is dedicated to moving towards global fascism.

  4. janscheit,
    I share some of your discomfort. But, being an optimist, I massaged the minister's statement (by omission) to put a happier spin on it - that the CPC is committed mostly to saying it is committed to "sustainable development". I don't know that for certain, but it seems plausible given their support for oil and gas development and measures taken to limit environmental obstructionism.
