Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2000 years of global cooling

study shows 2000 years of cooling ...


  1. Actually all pst temperature reconstructions have shown that 0 CE to pre 1900 this cooling trend. The only thing this study refines in the cooling rate. It also clearly demonstrates the correlation between temperature and tree ring proxy measuring techniques backs down in the (aka hid the decline).

    It still doesn't discredit the Hockey stick, which has been reconstructed from multiple different proxy sources and using different statistical methods and different researchers, in fact it makes the blade of the stick even worse in comparison.

  2. anyone who still beleives the hockey stick should be lobotomized

  3. @Anonymous

    Provide proper peer-reviewed science that discredits the Mann reconstruction, and that means current, cause the Mann reconstruction has been reproduced multiple times using different proxy data and different statistical methods.

  4. Funny how the AGW fascists now claims that the record Colds for winter were the signs of Global warming. I guess that obesity if the first sign of anarexia , or that Dwarfism is a sign of Acromegalia .

  5. On Watts Up With That, the chart is preceded by the words "Climate in northern Europe". In other words: not the global climate. It also only purports to show the "summer temperature", leaving out the other three seasons.

  6. The whole tree ring proxy exercise strikes me as a dubious black art.

    Tree rings are a dubious proxy for summer temperatures, tree ring proxies for northern European summer temperatures are a dubious proxy for northern European year-round temperatures which are a dubious proxy for global temperatures. And, like GCM models it's all open to subjective manipulation (as in Michael Mann's flawed/fraudulent hockey stick "science").

    But I'm still interested in what people like Steve McIntyre have to say about it all.

  7. JR, Results based on Tree ring proxy would be questionable if they were the only source, but the same results have been duplicated using may other different proxies, including, ice core, sedimentation, coral growth and several others. They point to same trends seen in this analysis and Mann's work.

    Now if you had some real science to back your opinion you might have a case, unfortunately all current data and proxies point to the Earth that is heating up.

    Current Artic Ice extent, area and volume numbers are crashing, this year is the worse than in any year previous.

  8. First, Mann's work has been proven to be fatally flawed/corrupt. So why insist on using his tainted results as an example of anything?

    "...all current data and proxies point to the Earth that is heating up."

    Sure, excepting studies like this one, where the longer term trend points to cooling.

    Anyway, I and other climate realists don't really dispute that recent warming has occurred. Warming since the last glaciation and the Little Ice Age isn't disputed at all. The real question is how much influence humans have had on any recent warming compared with natural variations. The data indicates the relative influence of human produced GHGs to be somewhere between minor and negligible.

    Also important for climate realists is that the noisiest alarmists and their media cheerleaders are untrustworthy. Environmentalists, for example, would be pushing for de-industrialization even in the absence of the "global warming" issue. They and other pushers of the alarmist message have so hopelessly politicized the situation that real science is all but lost in the noise.

  9. "...all current data and proxies point to the Earth that is heating up."

    Sure, excepting studies like this one, where the longer term trend points to cooling.

    Again, I point out that the graph you show involves only summer temperatures in northern Europe (not the whole planet).

  10. @Anonymous Provide proper peer-reviewed science that discredits the Mann reconstruction, and that means current, cause the Mann reconstruction has been reproduced multiple times using different proxy data and different statistical methods.
