Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Dominion Day!

Some history on how "Dominion Day" was dumped in favour of the meaningless "Canada Day":

... In hindsight, it was a case of identity theft, an act of historical vandalism. A quarter-century ago, 13 members of Parliament hastily -- some say indecently -- renamed the country's national birthday in a swift bit of legislative sleight-of-hand.

At 4 o'clock on Friday, July 9, 1982, the House of Commons was almost empty. The 13 parliamentarians taking up space in the 282-seat chamber ... The whole process took five minutes. ... a private member's bill from Hal Herbert, the Liberal MP from Vaudreuil ...
Read on ...

That's how Liberals treat Canada's heritage - with skullduggery and contempt.


  1. And we still don't have a holiday in February to honour our history. A Macdonald-Cartier Day or Macdonald-Laurier Day. Anything but these generic holidays such as Family Day or Flag Day.

    Is it any wonder that the Americans know more about their history when, among other things, they have a holiday to honour their presidents?

  2. And this was done by a govt that did not have a debate or anything, and now all we hear from the 3rd party is no debate time
    Mary T

  3. Very well said. Canada Day is not only meaningless but silly. What other country calls their national holiday in the same manner? None of course. There is no France Day, Italy Day or USA/America Day. Dominion Day is what I celebrate just as I still keep our traditional flag. The Pearson flag is every bit as meaningless to me as Canada Day, especially since the maple tree is not unique to Canada. Our traditional flag however clearly represents our history along with the three founding peoples.

    A big happy Dominion Day to you and family.

  4. I sometimes wonder how much Canadian history is taught in the school system. It wasn't very well done in my day (50 years ago). I hope things have improved but I fear that there'll be a lot of time spent bashing European colonialism leading up to in-depth soul-searching relating to the Indian residential schools "travesty". That along with the history of the LGBTQ movement.

    Whatever, HAPPY DOMINION DAY!!

  5. Sadly the teaching of Canadian history has only got worse, as I remember what was taught to my children, all adults now in their late 20s and early 30s. In a way it would be easier for me if I were not old enough to recall what used to be taught and even in my life time how things were prior to the Liberals doing their best to erase everything in order to create their mythical Canada.

  6. When it comes to destroying Canada's history and traditions and then replacing them with some bland pallid meaningless replacement there is always some sort of backdoor vandalism and preconceived distortion. Whether it was changing the flag by using a trick of parliamentary procedure, and surprise vote, or whether it was imposing french as an "official language" (OLA) which was not debated or even voted on, but simply "accepted" and then imposed, or as we see here with the changing of an historic reference Dominion Day with the pallid Canada Day. If these changes were so desired then why the secrecy? Why the slight of hand? Why the autocratic nature? it's really a disgrace what these revisionist vandals and mindless revolutionaries have done to this country.

  7. Just have to say that the Red Ensign sure is a beautiful flag... Good enough for are soldiers during the World Wars, good enough for me! Love flying it, love seeing it!
