Monday, August 20, 2012

Apple - the largest company in history

Apple's market cap today hit $624 billion, the highest in the world, ever.  For comparison:
Microsoft - $258 billion
Google     - $221   "
Oracle      - $156   "
Intel          - $131   "
US deficit  - $1.3 trillion


  1. Its curious.Wheres the outrage?If microsoft pulled what apple did , the doomsayers would be out in force.

    The reason? Apple is for those who dont want to know what goes on under the hood.Period.

    Apple is saying just trust us we know what we are doing.Oooook.

    Dont get me wrong , apple has some good products.Way too pricey for my taste though.I can built it cheaper than apple can , and itll work just the same.

    Just an observation from this corner.


  2. Its curious.Wheres the outrage?If microsoft pulled what apple did , the doomsayers would be out in force.

    The reason? Apple is for those who dont want to know what goes on under the hood.Period.

    Apple is saying just trust us we know what we are doing.Oooook.

    Dont get me wrong , apple has some good products.Way too pricey for my taste though.I can built it cheaper than apple can , and itll work just the same.

    Just an observation from this corner.


  3. I wouldn't trust Apple as far as I could throw the whole company. These guys are working very hard at obtaining a monopoly over on-line music, videos, movies, e-books and anything else they can sink their insidious little claws into. I don't even allow Quicktime on my PC because, unless you know how to get rid of it, it hides away in the registry and pops up ads constantly.
    I once upon a time decided to try their I-Mac so I purchased one at an authorized Apple store. I had it for four months during which time it spent two months in their service department. (The problems were software related and only the salesman could reinstall the O/S unless you wanted to void the warranty, and it only got reinstalled when he got around to it.)I finally gave up and took it back at a $400 restocking charge, but it was well worth it just to get rid of it.

    Powell Lucas

  4. My only exposure to Apple products was an Apple IIe which I owned from 1983 to 1989. It was an OK experience except that Apple never really upgraded it in any serious way, though somewhat pricey third party upgrades were available. It seemed to me that Apple was being disloyal to its own product. Since '89 it's been strictly DOS/Windows PCs.

    Still, despite several ups and downs Apple has become a phenomenal marketing success with very loyal, but somewhat snotty fans. I think of Apple fans as Starbucks patrons.

    Tim Hortons and PC makers serve up better products for less money.

  5. Its curious.Wheres the outrage?If microsoft pulled what apple did , the doomsayers would be out in force. The reason? Apple is for those who dont want to know what goes on under the hood.Period. Apple is saying just trust us we know what we are doing.Oooook. Dont get me wrong , apple has some good products.Way too pricey for my taste though.I can built it cheaper than apple can , and itll work just the same. Just an observation from this corner. Joshua
