Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jack Layton - nowhere near dead enough!

Ezra Levant says it best:


  1. The one thing for which he deserves credit is that he has been able to suck off the public teat while alive and now dead. He contributed nothing to Canada while Canada is still contributing to him.

  2. Yes he was a nothing leader of a nothing party,that has done nothing for Canada.A waste of our tax payers money on a phony state funeral.A third place party leader getting a state funeral was the biggest joke ever played on the Canadian public.Give us a break for gods sake and quit bringing up this mans name and saying he was a leader.He was a man who took us for all the money he could and even lived in public housing..What a friggin phoney and what a bunch of phonies these lib/ndp are.Very sick people.

  3. My goodness somebody's cranky!
    Anyway playing "Imagine" for Jack?
    How about this on seems more appropiate to this old guy.

  4. What is that? "A man of the people"? Anyone else remember THIS -

    THERE is your "Man of the people"; a narcissist who never met a camera he didn't like.

  5. Jack Layton was the ultimate political whore,a man who was born and raised on the taxpayer's dollar,and who lived his entire life on that taxpayer's dollar.

    He accomplished nothing for "the common man", only lined his own nest. He WAS charismatic,and in this shallow world we live in,that's all that is necessary to be a hero.

    I will never forgive Jack Layton for his remarks in concert with Ignatieff to the effect that our troops were war criminals and torturers.
    Layton and Iggy only said it to garner headlines,and to try to embarrass the Tories. Whores,both of them.

    Has anyone any information on whether Olivia Chow will collect Jack's MP's pension as his widow? I'm pretty sure she does. How much is Jack still costing us from the grave,not counting the CBC movie,of course.

    btw,has the CBC ever done a movie on some Canadian gentlemen named Mynarski,Smith,or Hornell? Real Canadian heroes.

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