Monday, September 24, 2012

Canadian delegation to walk out on Ahmadinejad

... In the run-up to his Sept. 26 speech – which takes place on Yom Kippur – numerous groups and individuals objected to Ahmadinejad’s visit, with some urging the UN to ban the controversial leader

... As it has in previous sessions, the Canadian delegation to the UN plans to walk out as soon as Ahmadinejad took the dais.

“We absolutely will not be listening to his speech,” Rick Roth, press secretary for Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, told The CJN.

... Asked whether the Canadian government would join Cotler’s call, Roth responded: “No government in the world has spoken more clearly and forcefully against the racist and antisemetic regime in Tehran than Canada. And we have followed these words with tough action.”
Ahmadinejad, Islamo-nutbar and sterling representative of Muslim mobs everywhere.


Update:  Apparently he spoke today also [final speech Wednesday?]  Was Canada present today? Apparently the US was.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, Mulcair hasn't called PM Harper out on this insult,YET!

    Good for PM Harper,and Canada! Somebody has to take the lead in this situation, and I'm proud that our government has done so.
