Sunday, September 23, 2012

In praise of blasphemy

Robert Fulford:
The dark, blood-drenched word “blasphemy” has lately re-appeared across the world, like some grotesque monster from the depths of humanity’s unconscious. It is always bad news ...
... Laws against blasphemy have been favourite tools of all those who lust for power over their fellow humans — popes, kings, bishops, imams, theologians and professional inciters of the mobs.
...On Saturday “Canadians Against Blasphemy” will hold a protest meeting in front of the U.S. consulate in Toronto.
... Instead we should be praising blasphemy, in fact proclaiming its many virtues, rather than sheepishly apologizing for it as a necessary evil we must reluctantly tolerate because of our belief in the freedom of speech.
... In the Criminal Code of Code of Canada, blasphemy remains a crime ... Expunging it would be an appropriate symbolic act by the federal government. The best possible time to accomplish that reform would be before the end of this blasphemy-crazed year.

Fulford's idea is excellent.  A move, now, to expunge blasphemy from the Criminal Code would be an excellent response to the Toronto Muslim anti-blasphemy nitwits.  I think I'll write to the Prime Minister.

Update - My letter to the Prime Minister:
Dear Prime Minister,
In Toronto yesterday (Saturday) there was a protest rally organized by “Canadians Against Blasphemy”. Judging from the extreme slogans displayed on some of their protest signs, these people want blasphemy severely punished. This brazen effort to muzzle the free speech of Canadians is profoundly anti-democratic and should be strongly resisted.

In his column in Saturday’s National Post, Robert Fulford wrote an excellent piece titled “In praise of blasphemy” in which he points out that blasphemy is already (still) criminalized by Section 296 of the Criminal Code. This archaic provision should be expunged as soon as possible and, as Mr. Fulford suggests, this “blasphemy-crazed year” would be the best time to do it.

I urge you and your government to begin action towards removing the anti-blasphemy provisions from the Criminal Code of Canada. I would urge also that an announcement of your government’s intent to do so be made forthwith. It would be a fitting response to the organizers and participants of Saturday’s “protest” in Toronto.
Upperdate: From Natasha (of Moose and Squirrel) in the comments, a link to an excellent article by Popehat.


  1. Spot on is all I can say. It is unbelievable that in the 21st century people are promoting laws/bans against blasphemy.

  2. Canada is a multi-cultural and ethically diverse nation that was founded by immigrants. There is no such thing as a Canadian in the sense of culture or surname. Canada has freedom of religion that is a sacred and that must be protected. This means that your religion must not be persecuted by government or citizen. Canada also allows freedom of speech which must be weighed and measured against the freedom of religion. Just because you have freedom of speech means that you can not yell “FIRE” in a crowed movie theatre. Why? This is because this element of free speech would cause harm, panic, pandemonium and great distress to the public safety. Hence, the blasphemies movie that insults the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is equivalent to yelling “FIRE” in a crowed movie theatre and must be suppressed.

  3. Take a good look around your city and observes the changing face of your morally corrupt nation. You see that changing face? It’s Islam. We are your doctors, teachers, truck drivers, bus drivers, professors, dentists, engineers, business owners, taxi drivers, civil servants, government officials, police officers, CSIS agents, airports security officers, nurses, Canadian border service agents, airplane pilots, military members, elected political officials, bureaucrats any many more. We have become a powerful voting machine and we will become even more powerful in the next few years. You will see the first Muslim Prime Minister in the next 10 years and you will see Islam become Canada’s religion.

  4. Anon,

    Your arrogant fantasies are a joke. But if what you say were true then we'd be doomed. How long do you suppose it would take, under Muslim rule, to turn the country into a miserable crap-hole basket case like those that make up the rest of the Muslim world?

    Also, see my comment above.

  5. Note to JR: You've got me riled up on this issue. Thanks for doing this posting - I didn't realize Canada had such a law in existence. Totally shameful...

    BTW, Ken at Popehat has an excellent article today on this very issue -- quite timely. See:

  6. Natasha,
    Thanks for the links (here and in your blog). The Popehat article is excellent.
