Friday, December 7, 2012

Monckton booted from Doha(haha) climate confab

From Christopher Monckton of Brenchley in Doha, Qatar
I have been a bad boy. At the U.N. climate conference in Doha, I addressed a plenary session of national negotiating delegates though only accredited as an observer.
... The microphone was just in front of me. All I had to do was press the button. I pressed it. ...
Quietly, politely, authoritatively, I told the delegates three inconvenient truths they would not hear from anyone else:

• There has been no global warming for 16 of the 18 years of these wearisome, self-congratulatory yadayadathons.

• It is at least ten times more cost-effective to see how much global warming happens and then adapt in a focused way to what little harm it may cause than to spend a single red cent futilely attempting to mitigate it today.

• An independent scientific enquiry should establish whether the U.N.’s climate conferences are still heading in the right direction.

As I delivered the last of my three points, there were keening shrieks of rage from the delegates. They had not heard any of this before. They could not believe it. Outrage! ...

... I was amiably accompanied out into the balmy night, where an impressive indaba of stony-faced U.N. officials were alternately murmuring into cellphones and murmuring into cellphones. ...
Heh. Outstanding show, Lord Monckton!


  1. He'd be a real hoot to share a beer with, and goad leftards at the next table.

  2. I'll say:) He's doing a great job of sticking it to the warmists, and having a ball doing it.

  3. I'm sure EMay and the Greens will demand that his voice be heard because, Democracy is about the exchange of ideas and respect for the single voice. Ya, didnt think so.
