Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thin skinned "albino rights" activist files complaint with BC "Human Rights" Tribunal

Kelly McParland:
The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has agreed to hear a complaint against a restaurant chain that sells a beer called Albino Rhino, because a woman who suffers albinism considers it offensive.

... Ikponwosa Ero, a 31-year-old immigrant from Nigeria, says Earls restaurants Albino rhino and wings combo is no different than offering an “Alzheimer’s appetizer,” or “Down syndrome daiquiri.”

... Earls [has] been selling Albino rhino beer for 25 years without complaint
This is beyond ridiculous. Though it's no surprise that the BCHRT is hearing the complaint.  They're just doing what grievance mongers and enablers are inclined to do.

Both Ero, a professional albino rights activist, and the BCHRT deserve maximum ridicule.  And judging from the comments on McParland's column they're getting it.

Not a bad column by McParland but he's way too accomodating:
... both parties in the dispute have valid enough arguments [No they don't.]

... Earls also has a reasonable case. [... ie. Ero has a "reasonable" case.  No she doesn't.]

... could Earls have maybe avoided some bad publicity and needless legal expense by agreeing to quietly relabel the suds “white rhino” over an extended period? Would it have been so difficult? [B.S. Why should Earl's modify a perfectly respectable brand of 25 years to satisfy one professional complainer's unreasonable complaint.]
Kudos to Earls for not knuckling under.


  1. Is Blonde Ale next? If it wasn't for the ale I'd never get close to a blonde.

    BCHRT where are you?

    Oh yeah at Joe's Barbershop causing sh*t again.

  2. I happen to be a regular customer and Earls and do drink Albino Rhino at times. It fits my taste in beer and ale. The woman who complains should just stay away and let Earls alone. They have been serving Albino Rhino for 25 years and never had a complaint before. This is ridiculous at best. Someone coming into the country and wanting to change our way of doing things. If she doesn't like it, she can go back where she came from.
