Monday, March 25, 2013

Big Wind is hiding the slaughter

Canada Free Press:
Since the early 1980s, the industry has known there is no way its propeller-style turbines could ever be safe for raptors. With exposed blade tips spinning in open space at speeds up to 200 mph, it was impossible. Wind developers also knew they would have a public relations nightmare if people ever learned how many eagles are actually being cut in half – or left with a smashed wing, to stumble around for days before dying.

.... Not only has the wind industry never solved its environmental problem. It has been hiding at least 90% of this slaughter for decades. In fact, the universal problem of hiding bird (and bat) mortality goes from bad to intolerable beyond the Altamont Pass boundaries, because studies in other areas across North America are far less rigorous, or even nonexistent, and many new turbines are sited in prime bird and bat habitats.

The real death toll, as reported by Paul Driessen and others, is thousands of raptors a year – and up to 39 million birds and bats of all species annually in the United States alone, year after year! This is intolerable, and unsustainable. It is leading to the inevitable extinction of many species, at least in many habitats, and perhaps in the entire Lower 48 States.
And what do the eco-freaks at the David Suzuki Foundation think of all this.  Well, predictably, they just love wind power.  And, no surprise, they just love birds.  And of wind machines killing birds? Not a peep.

This is all very characteristic of the true believing "climate change" crowd.  Their practice in dealing with information that contradicts or harms "the cause" is, rather than being open and honest about it, to go out of their way to hide it, suppress it or deny it; and if anyone dares report it, theyll mercilessly attack the messenger.



  1. And they made a terrible fuss about a few dead ducks in a tailing pond in Alberta. Lois Halls

  2. Every pronouncement from the Eco-terriosts should begin with........
    Once upon a time.....
    England is freezing ta daa Global Warming.
    All those birds getting fricaseed Global Warming.....

  3. Lois, exactly.

    Anon, true, you might think the warmists would be taking the line that the birds are really being killed by global warming without which there'd be no need for wind turbines - and using it to beat on skeptics.

  4. It's worse than that for the bats that are being killing in the USA . The bats eat up oodles of bugs and mosquitos , these mosq's carry viruses and germs that are now making people sick because the bats aren't there to eat them at night. Areas around the turbines were affected according to a EPA report,and, a spike in mosquito related illness was noticed in the same area. So, what they save on enery now goes into health care costs .

  5. This is peer-reviewed? Made up? Domestic Cats and buildings kill more birds then wind turbines but I guess you were too busy trying to look up Ann Coulter's skirt. Call Hemmera and ask them what their bird kill counts are. The turbines of Altamont Pass may well have been a giant bird blender but to compare those turbines to the turbines of today shows a real lack of investigative effort on your part. Because Lord knows there's tonnes of tubines in South Surrey.
