Friday, March 15, 2013

Climategate 3.0 - Climategate email leaker leaks more

James Delingpole:
FOIA – the anonymous leaker who brought the Climategate and Climategate II emails to light has emerged briefly from the shadows. He has released to selected parties (not me) the password to the cache of Climategate II emails ...

I think it's worth dwelling on some of the clues he offers as to his identity and motivation. (I'm assuming it is a "he", btw):
That's right; no conspiracy, no paid hackers, no Big Oil. The Republicans didn't plot this. USA politics is alien to me, neither am I from the UK. There is life outside the Anglo-American sphere.

If someone is still wondering why anyone would take these risks, or sees only a breach of privacy here, a few words…
Delingpole comments further:
Rings true to me. It's certainly why I'm in this game – the cause, not (laughs bitterly) the money ...

Many terrible things have resulted from the great climate scam – the debasement of the scientific method, the corruption, the rent-seeking, the greed, the lies, the blighted careers, the malfeasance, the dissemination of ignorance, the waste, the environmental damage – but the worst thing by far is the human misery it has engendered. ...
For more - two of the selected recipients of FOIA's latest leak were WUWT's Anthony Watts and Bishop Hill blogger Andrew Montford.

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