Saturday, March 2, 2013

Glavin on Justin Trudeau

Terry Glavin:
... Canada’s very own Liberal party ... is on the verge of handing its crown to someone it would not be entirely wrong to call a largely talentless and insufferably foppish celebrity drama queen. ...


  1. Hard to argue with those words.

    Brad Maynard

  2. Mr Glavin's piece--regarding Fidel Castro--is quoted at this post at the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institutes "The 3Ds Blog":

    'Cursed Communism, or, “What Isn’t to Be Done”'


  3. Justin has surrounded himself with people having radical/loony leftist backgrounds and ideas, including "senior advisor" Alexandre and "senior strategist" Gerald Butts (former president of WWF-Canada, which explains Trudeau's opposition to the Northern Gateway pipeline).

    Should he somehow manage to get himself elected PM we'd be in for 'interesting' times.

  4. We could derail things by becoming "Liberal supporters" and casting a ballot for someone else.

    If you ae serious about creating a party that is capable of governing in the place of the Conservatives when the CPC is eventually voted out, then you should support Marc Garneau or Martha Hall Findley, since they actually have policy positions.

    If you want to see the LPC disappear, then support Joyce Murray.

    If you want to extend the death throes of the LPC and subject them to untold humiliation with "a largely talentless and insufferably foppish celebrity drama queen" then Young Dauphin...

  5. I actually do want the Libs to survive, as the Conservatives will not be able to retain power forever. So I did exactly what you suggested - registered to vote for Garneau or MHF, and we must never again have a Marxist-leaning government in Canada.

  6. I too would rather they chose Marc Garneau or MHF. Eventually the Tories will get tossed from power. Maybe not next election but all governments eventually lose and I would rather have the Liberals than NDP be their replacement. Anyways never underestimate stupidity, after all Trudeau reminds me of Justin Bieber who has almost zero musical talent but is widely popular. The only good news is that demographic is not a huge share of the voter population and they tend to have a lower voter turnout. At least the baby boomers wanted something behind good looks which his father had even if I vehemently disagreed with his politics, much the way that generation were huge Beatles fans who were also very talented musicians.
