Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Prominent climate alarmist bested by Canadian resources minister

Terence Corcoran:
It takes a rare politician to stand up and take shots at a climate scientist who’s the darling of the global warmist movement. Even more uncommon is to see a politician take on such a climate scientist—and win the contest.

Mr. Oliver pointedly took aim at James Hansen, the former NASA scientist and one of the godfathers of climate catastrophism. Instead of a gooey marshmallow capitulation on the issue of climate change, Mr. Oliver  questioned Mr. Hansen’s tendency to make claims that are at least exaggerations and often outright beyond-the-fringe.


  1. I think we need to wait a few decades (while doing nothing about global warming) to find out who "won" this argument.

  2. don't you mean climate change...lol

    the average temp went down the last couple years and indications based on solar activity are the temp will continue dropping the next 40 years or more

  3. Said no actual scientist who studies climate change ever.

  4. Climate changes every day ANON..,Get over it and quit bothering normal everyday people with the BS emanating daily from your lying mouths..You environmentals spout lies continually while digging into our wallets for your friggin idiotic wind mills and solar panels and mercury filled light bulbs.You should all be rounded up and put in jail.

  5. James Hansen’s Former NASA Supervisor Declares Himself a Skeptic – Says Hansen ‘Embarrassed NASA’, ‘Was Never Muzzled’, & Models ‘Useless’



    WSJ’s Strassel: ‘Wherever Jim Hansen is right now…perhaps he’ll find time to mention the plight of Alan Carlin. Though don’t count on it.’


  6. Anon1152: "I think we need to wait a few decades (while doing nothing about global warming) to find out who "won" this argument."

    Hmm, you think we need to wait a few decades to find out if global warming hysteric, James Hansen, is right or not, YET you think we need to blow a boatload of cash "doing something" about Hansen's supposed AGW right now??

  7. "Hmm, you think we need to wait a few decades to find out if global warming hysteric, James Hansen, is right or not, YET you think we need to blow a boatload of cash "doing something" about Hansen's supposed AGW right now??"

    I didn't say we need to blow a boatload of cash.

    Though now that you mention it, it might be a good idea.

    I predict that we'll start geoengineering soon, if only to prevent the sea level from rising too much. That will be expensive. But the world will be able to afford it. Whether or not we'll be able to afford unforeseen consequences will be another matter.

  8. Before Hansen predicted catastrophic global warming he predicted another ice age. Seems he has all the bases covered!

  9. Hi Tom,

    Do you have a source for the claim that Hansen himself predicted an ice age?

    The closest thing I can find is this article:

    Which tries to claim that Hansen predicted and ice age... But the only evidence it offers is the claim that someone else predicted an ice age using a "computer program developed by Dr. James Hansen." Which isn't quite the same as saying Hansen predicted an ice age.

    The claim that Hansen predicted an ice age has been disputed:

    So I'm wondering if you have any other sources that would dispute the dispute.
