Thursday, May 23, 2013

London's Muslim terrorist butchery "A portrayal of Islam"

Ezra's excellent assessment:

... along with Tarek Fatah's:

Brit PM David Cameron's pathetic response:
“This was not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country. There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”
Al-Qaeda begs to differ:
Al-Shabaab To British PM David Cameron: “Not A ‘Betrayal’ Of Islam But Rather A ‘Portrayal’ Of Islam”…
Update [via Blazing Cat Fur]:


  1. The really sad thing here is the fact that the suspects here will only get a slap on the wrists. I bet they’ll only get say 15 years maybe 20. If that. Oh lets not forget the insanity defence. Oh and the lawyers paid for by the tax payers. Gee sounds a much like Canada!

  2. muslim communities give nothing, they only take. more education would appear necessary.

  3. Watch for the CBC to ceate a new show to portray the peaceful islam and call it 'Leave it to cleaver'. The CBC will make all the non-muslims out to be idiots and bigots,they'll have a happy oppressed female in the hijab and the newly converted white female so happy as well.
    It will just as much BS as Little Mosque On The Prairie is to avoid the episodes with suicide bombers in Toronto like the Toronto-18, the Via rail bombers,and the pro-hizballah islamists in Windsor.

  4. “Leave it to cleaver”! Too fuuny. Yeah it would start omar khadar and his lovely jihad terror supporting family and how they are being cared for, financially supported and protected by the Canadian government. And how omar’s asshole brother is wheelchair bound cause he was fighting for the terrorists and how Canada pays all his medical expenses and probably a disability pension. Yeah and of course welfare for the family cause they can’t work. Yeah and lets not forget the payout little omar will get to settle his lawsuit against the Canadian government.

  5. Listening to local radio yesterday I heard more than one attempt to offer a plea of insanity on behalf of the perps. "No, it just couldn't have been Islam at work."

  6. @JR, of course it is expecting too much for them to do just a wee bit of research such as checking out what is actually written in the koran and hadith, because it is there in black and white, proof that it had everything to do with Islam.
