Thursday, May 2, 2013

York police thugs enforcing sharia

York Regional Police threaten rabbi's role as chaplain over Pamela Geller speech
York Regional Police threatened to remove a rabbi as one of the force’s chaplains if he hosted a controversial anti-Islamist speaker at his Thornhill synagogue.

Insp. Ricky Veerappan, of the force’s diversity, equity and inclusion bureau, confirmed he and officers from the service’s hate crimes unit met with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan of the Chabad Flamingo Synagogue on Tuesday.

... They expressed concern about an upcoming talk to be given by Pamela Geller, a vocal critic of radical Islam.

...Veerappan said a member of York Region's Muslim community, whom he wouldn’t identify, brought Geller’s scheduled talk to the attention of police. ...

The ridiculous sharia-enforcing thugs of the York Regional Police's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Bureau, can be reached by email at


  1. Veerappen says no threats just a discussion

    Police deny pressuring rabbi to cancel speech by controversial U.S. anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller

    Only a true Marxist could come up with a name like this directorate.

  2. Thanks for the link.

    "...just a discussion".

    Right, a discussion that went something like:
    "Say, Rabbi, about your police chaplaincy ..."
    Followed immediately by the Rabbi's cancellation of the event.

    The whole thing is outrageous - an absolute disgrace.
