Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thomas Mulcair is a loon - he's "proud" of helping terrorists keep their Canadian citizenship

Perhaps not surprisingly, The Toronto Star agrees with Mulcair (or is it the other way around?):
Stephen Harper’s government is wrong to consider stripping Canadian dual citizens of their citizenship for committing treason and terror. ... 
... The Tory model would set up an odious and hard-to-justify distinction between Canadian-born criminals whose citizenship can’t be revoked even for treason and terror, and naturalized citizens whose citizenship can be lifted. ...


  1. I call it two things: one is vote whoring and the second is a total lack of ethics or a moral compass. I put the Liberals in the same camp by the way.

  2. Mulcair holds citizenship in both Canada and France. I can't wait to hear him denounce his adopted country's "odious" laws which permit France to revoke the citizenship of those naturalized citizens convicted of not only terrorism and espionage but also of killing a policeman. I won't hold my breath.

  3. Good point, Anne, maybe a Sun reporter will try to pin him down on that one.
