Monday, July 8, 2013

Eco-terror in Lac-Megantic disaster?

Ezra Levant analyzes:

See also.

The chairman of the rail company is convinced that at least tampering was involved.

Meanwhile, the Vancouver Sun (on its front page today)  believes it's all about BC.

And Thomas Mulcair wasted no time blaming Harper.


  1. Perchance we take Ezra's hypothesis at face value, and say that is was in fact tampered with. I personally don't like to buy into conspiracy theories, it's a slippery slope of paranoia and irrationality... but it's always important to ask the key question in these matters:

    Who stands to benefit the most from this?

    Pipelines perhaps? which are currently under review and decisions being made regarding their regulatory approval/rejection imminent?

    Look how dangerous the alternatives to pipelines are everyone! Best ship via pipelines, they may leak from time to time, but they sure don't blow towns up...

  2. Not the pipelines, the ecology activists. But I am waiting for a real investigation.

  3. I think conspiracy theories have gotten a bad rap. Conspiracies do happen, all the time. Investigators should consider them as possibilities among all others.

  4. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Leftists of one kind or another were behind this disaster. They prove time and time again how violent they are when they rampage through our cities every time there is a meeting of world leaders. Canadian and American Leftists like to demonize America's "tea party" movement but conveniently ignore the fact that it has always remained peaceful. The Leftist/Anarchist crowd, on the other hand, never hesitates to destroy public and private property while at the same time assaulting police officers that are trying to stop them. Leftist terrorism is a problem that can no longer be ignored. A good immediate counterpunch to Leftists violenece would be to throw out all court cases against the Toronto police officers who have been charged with using "excessive force" at the Toronto G20 riots. It would send an unmistakable message to these groups that our civil society is prepared to defend itself.

  5. So,...just sayin...the government has poured millions into the ads and media regarding the Pipeline, regarding a need for the Pipeline, the government is at the beckoning call of the OIL Companies, of the Tar Sands, it is, in part what financed the ongoing onslaught through the media of any political opponents, our government representatives are in the US constantly touting the need for the Pipeline, so, I ask you, was it an accident? if so why are these people so quick to come out and say, THIS IS WHY WE NEED THE PIPELINE, think about it....just sayin...
