Monday, July 29, 2013

Grieving for glaciers

Vancouver Sun (front page):
Fifty musicians trekked to Farnham Glacier in the Kootenays Saturday to perform for the glacier itself and express their grief about the melting of glaciers with the aptly titled composition Requiem for a Glacier.

... "It is farewell to a glacier, feeling sadness it will happen. We cannot stop it any more."

... "It brought tears to my eyes," said Nelson violinist Margot Zimmer.

This "requiem" belongs under the heading "Loony Toons".  You can't make this stuff up!

And (coincidentally?) sharing the same front page is "Fuelling India’s coal needs",  another of the eco-loons' favorite hobby horses - dirty coal:
... Environmental groups and some Lower Mainland residents are raising concerns over coal's contribution to greenhouse gases (coal produces more carbon dioxide than natural gas and oil), and increased rail traffic, diesel emissions and coal dust.

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