Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is Justin Trudeau a convert to Islam?

An equal opportunity panderer:
... He went to the mosque to participate in a religious ritual, called the Maghrib salah.

It's a daily prayer service with a particular meaning. Part of the prayer is called the shahada, which in Arabic means to testify. As in, to testify to the Truth that Allah is the one true God, and Mohammed is his one true Prophet.

To say the shahada, in the presence of two or more Muslim males, is the sole requirement in Islamic law to convert to Islam. ...


  1. Trudeau and BCMA make a mockery of piety and politics


  2. TangoJuliette queries:

    Why no head-covering on Justin's locks?

    Boy. He must REALLY be spay-shul.

  3. I like the adult approach you take to mature thinking. Thank you.

  4. In fairness to Justin, if he did convert he probably did not understand what he was doing. With the lack of preparation that he does for pretty much any issue, this should not be a surprise.

  5. He is ignorant of Islam and it's history. Read the Quaran/Koran. It is not a book of Peace.
