Saturday, August 31, 2013

Obama, the reluctant warmonger, punts

Obama Will Seek Syria Vote in Congress:
President Obama stunned the capital and paused his march to war by asking lawmakers, who are not due to return to town for more than a week, to give him authorization before he launches a limited military strike against Syria. ...
 George W. Bush on Syria:
... when Fox's Brian Kilmeade tried to elicit any semblance of an opinion from Bush on intervention in Syria, the former president laughed and brushed him off.

"The president has to make a tough call, Brian," he said. "I know you're trying to subtly rope me into the issues of the day. I refuse to be roped in."
Mark Steyn:  An Accidental War
Perfunctory and ineffectual war-making in Syria is worse than nothing.


  1. The buck does not stop here.

  2. Right, Obama 'decided' to let Congress decide.

  3. Getting Congressional support is a bad thing? Since when?

  4. Oshitforbrains is an affirmative action zero who doesn't have a clue beyond his Alinsky rules for radicals. I guess he'll have to wait for another "opportunity" to help out his comrades in the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Queda. Operation Mom Jeans gets put on hold, what conviction from the community organizer. Bath house Barry is a joke, a really bad, dangerous joke.

  5. And who said getting Congressional support is a bad thing?

    I didn't. But the NYT article outlines some of the risks of getting (or not getting) approval in advance and points out that Obama could act anyway if Congress gives him the thumbs down. As it is, he's boosted his image as a buck-passing ditherer.
