Thursday, August 8, 2013

The CRTC rules against Sun News' application for mandatory distribution

Sun News announced this morning that the CRTC has ruled against its application for mandatory distribution.  Sun's email announcement tried to put an happy face on things with this:
... The CRTC clearly heard the call of more than 50,000 great Canadians like yourself who spoke up in support of Canadian TV. In their ruling, the CRTC accepted the main arguments put forward by Sun News and has launched a swift process address them. ...
The fight for Sun News isn't over yet. 
Given the list of who had and now has mandatory distribution, Sun News doesn't fit at all (so why'd they apply for it?)  Maybe a re-jigging of the system as CRTC promises will produce a better solution for Sun.

Meanwhile the reaction of Toronto Star readers (99.9% of whom never watch Sun) is, predictably, glee, gloating and insults to Sun TV.

More from Sun News.


  1. While the tyrannical, Trudopian decision by the thought police of the CRTC is disappointing, it is not in the least bit surprising. I knew they wouldn't allow SNN a level playing field with it's competition. SNN is not a slobbering trudopian leftist organization, therefore, they will never get a mandatory carry license from the lefty gate keepers of the CRTC. Sad, disappointing, unfair, but completely expected. The leftist monopoly of the airwaves was dictated, and manufactured by the CRTC, that is their trudopian mandate, so why on Earth would anyone expect a different result from these cultural marxists. The CRTC will never, ever allow a non lefty news organization equality, because the CRTC is all about maintaining an inequality of ideas and commentary. Of course "English Canada" will now have at least 2 more french language must carry's, which was also completely expected, bigoted and useless. Getting rid of the CRTC is the only answer.

  2. While I agree that it would be nice to be rid of nanny CRTC I think it's possible that if they at least take measures to level the playing field Sun will have a shot at survival, maybe even thriving.

  3. Problem is Nony the Harper party, liberals in blue, are the ones who are allowing this

  4. SunTV is advocacy journalism, it was created by Kory for sole purpose of promoting conservatism (he acknowledged this in a speech to the Manning Center before network launched). What we have to do is define "news", because to lump SunTV in with other outlets is problematic, and therefore any arguments which begin with this assumption is inherently flawed. SunTV has an agenda, nobody disputes this approach, and this unique, meaning it is stand alone, needed to be treated as such. Fine, have all the diversity and "voices" you want, just don't try to tell me it is news, because at it's core nothing more than a propaganda arm for a particular political persuasion.

  5. With this decision, SNN *is* on an even playing field. None of the other news networks have mandatory carriage. SNN was trying to get an advantage that the others don't have. CBC Newsworld and CTV Newsnet are not even carried on every cable package. That's the biggest misinformation spin from Sun News of all.

    The others have only two advantages that SNN doesn't: they were there first and people actually watch them.

  6. I see the "progressives" have been "armed" with their lefty talking points. "advocacy journalism"... like that is something new or exclusive to SNN. What is the CBC but advocates of the Trudopian nightmare of tribalism and special status for some, payed for by all. CTV isn't much better than the CBC for this type of "advocacy journalism". In fact isn't every "news" outlet an advocate for a certain ideology. Last time I checked SNN wasn't getting a billion dollars a year from the taxpayer to advocate for a certain political ideology or a particular candidate like the CBC. Don't try and tell me that every news outlet other than SNN isn't a propaganda arm for the "progressive" cause, which seems to be the only political ideology allowed by the culture police CRTC. As for the ridiculous assertion that people actually watch the "advocacy journalism" practiced by the CBC or CTV, that is laughable, both those stations "news" ratings are vapour, preaching to the converted.

  7. Anon: SunTV is advocacy journalism, it was created by Kory for sole purpose of promoting conservatism ...

    Spoken like someone who doesn't actually watch Sun News. Most of the broadcast day is filled with straight news. Yes, prime time is loaded with editorializing talk-shows whose hosts unabashedly declare their right leaning views. Refreshing, don't you think? They tackle issues that are either completely ignored or treated with a leftist bias by most other media who go out of their way to (falsely and laughably) claim political neutrality.
