Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The marijuana industry after legalization by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

PM Justin Trudeau
William Watson predicts what a Canadian marijuana industry would look like if Justin should become PM.  For starters, complete takeover by governments and unions:
... Provincial and territorial Cannabis Control Boards
... Board stores, naturally, will be unionized
... The Boards may engage in advertising campaigns
... Sales outside Board stores will be illegal
... GST, PST and/or HST
... Canadian Cannabis Marketing Board
... interprovincial sales of marijuana will be strictly prohibited
... Canadian Cannabis Exporting Agency ... 

... with prices to match.  And, on top of all that, pot will be subjected to the same health and safety regulations that apply to tobacco (eg. for control of second-hand smoke in public places).

Potheads had best be careful what they wish for.


  1. We are witnessing the death throes of prohibition while its advocates make a desperate and frantic last stand, their final frenzy.
    In years to come, the attitudes that now prevail towards people that choose cannabis will be as politically incorrect as racism, homophobia or denying women the vote.

  2. Ah yes, a pothead threatening the use of soft totalitarianism to alter the debate.

    Pretty sorry display if you ask me.

  3. Who is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau?
    MM do not refer to Prime Minister Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada properly
    NOW we have to read about this.

  4. I don't understand how anything that either Watson or I have said could be construed as prohibitionist.

    I think it falls more under the headings of irony and mockery.

    Now, here's something from the above comments that truly deserves to be mocked:
    "In years to come, the attitudes that now prevail towards people that choose cannabis will be as politically incorrect as racism, homophobia or denying women the vote."

    Ha! Right, like smoking tobacco and guzzling booze deserve similar recognition.

  5. I'm curious, why do you think that Cannabis is illegal?

  6. Other than to keep Mexicans and Black Jazz Singers from raping innocent White girls I mean.

  7. Polar, I couldn't rightly say why it's illegal. You'll have to read up on the legal and economic history of the marijuana industry. Personally, I'm not that interested.

  8. Marijuana probation fuels organized crime. Gangs, triads, biker clubs will all whither and die if they lose the drug money. I would be pleased to see organized crime suffer and be reduced,

  9. "Personally, I'm not that interested."

    Justin Trudeau is and not he is not afraid to put it on the ballot.

  10. Justin Trudeau blows with the wind. He's held several positions on MJ.
