Monday, September 16, 2013

"Global warming is crap"

... so says newly elected Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott.  Ezra agrees, and explains why:

Judith Curry on the Nature Climate Change article by three Canadian climate researchers:
Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years(Former UVic climate modeller and alarmist, Andrew Weaver, must be rolling over in his new Green Party MLA suit.)


  1. One honest politician out of how many... surely none in Canada. Expect the media to attack this man at every opportunity as a heretic. In a political world of "progressive" marxists and western haters it's refreshing to hear at least one politician telling it like it is... hope it catches on, but being the cynic and realist that I am, I doubt it.

  2. It will never happen here, Harper the hypocrite is too kissey kissey with that other lefty lunatic down south, Bam Bam.

  3. Kinda rich coming from a former tobacco-turned-big-oil lobbyist, talking about financial motivation for opinions.

    There is many many times more money available to promote climate change skepticism.

    Ask yourself who has more money, oil corporations and their associated interests, and massive PR budgets, or non-profit environmental organizations and scientists...

    Then ask yourself who is more likely to resort to PR manipulation to forward an agenda: an industry who will be damaged by the public learning that the industry is bad for the public and pretty much everything else, or a heterogenous mix of scientists, environmental orgs, individuals, and governments with completely disparate sets of interests...

  4. Oh, I don't think it's a smear, he's registered on the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada under both Rothman's (tobacco company) and Achieve Energy Services (Oil drilling company)

  5. Anonymous: "Kinda rich coming from a former tobacco-turned-big-oil lobbyist, talking about financial motivation for opinions."

    Big deal! Energy and tobacco are legitimate enterprises that must deal with government on many issues. So they hire lobbyists. So what? Checking out your Lobbyist search, one of the first subjects of Ezra's lobbying for Rothman's was "Promotion of anti-smoking hotline". The horror!

    "Ask yourself who has more money..."

    Idiot "big-oil", like most large corporate enterprises, subsidizes more "climate change" and "sustainability" hype than anything else. "Big government", including whole university faculties, have dedicated themselves mostly to the climate alarmist agenda and have huge resources available to promote it. For skeptics, they're a big part of the problem.

    By contrast, most skeptics of climate alarmism are marginalized with few resources. They do what they do on a mostly voluntary basis, unlike such wealthy climate shills as Gore and Suzuki, for example. Fortunately, reality and the truth (thanks to the hard work of honest skeptics) eventually trump high-priced bullshit.

  6. Ross McKintrick in the NP...

    Can anyone even begin to imagine the literally hundreds of billions worth of government (meaning, taxpayers') and corporate money blown out the world's collective butts over all this BS!!!

    Money that could have been put to uses such as...oh, I don't know, pick one...doing something about actual pollution, solving poverty, finding cures for diseases, feeding people, housing people, or even, God forbid, generating real wealth for the masses to raise their standards of living?

    What a pathetic farce!


  7. Springer,
    That's an excellent article by McKitrick. Even in the face of its own published data confirming the failure of its previous predictions of doom the IPCC continues to be in denial. As McKitrick says: "The IPCC must take everybody for fools."

    Pathetic, indeed.

  8. " Energy and tobacco are legitimate enterprises that must deal with government on many issues. So they hire lobbyists."

    Agree completely.

    " So what?"

    So, there's nothing wrong with lobbying, we're in agreement here. The issue is that lobbyists are paid to espouse and represent a particular opinion, to the public, and to government.

    Ezra is railing against what he calls lobbyists that propagate the notion of anthropogenic climate change. He himself has been a lobbyist though, so his contention can't be against lobbyists in general.

    " Checking out your Lobbyist search, one of the first subjects of Ezra's lobbying for Rothman's was "Promotion of anti-smoking hotline". The horror!"

    Right, seems pretty inocuous. The point isn't what he was lobbying, just that he was/is(?) a lobbyist for interests such as oil and tobacco.

    "Idiot "big-oil", like most large corporate enterprises, subsidizes more "climate change" and "sustainability" hype than anything else."

    Well, they feed off the hype, that's for sure. They want to present an image of themselves that resonates with the public, so they spend money to do it.

    Kind of like ethical oil.

    "By contrast, most skeptics of climate alarmism are marginalized with few resources. They do what they do on a mostly voluntary basis, unlike such wealthy climate shills"

    It's a matter of public record that big oil spends in the billions to fund climate change denialism. This isn't even controversial. It's not even denied by the industry. People that propagate it are marginalized because a lot of the science is bunk.

    " Fortunately, reality and the truth (thanks to the hard work of honest skeptics) eventually trump high-priced bullshit."

    Here we are in agreement.

  9. The purveyors of the global warming scam did not overestimate the temperature increases over the last twenty years. They knew full well that their claims would not hold water so they fudged the data.

  10. 20 odd years ago I read how the IPCC report had been 'changed to more accurately reflect the summary'.
    That was the first clue that the IPCC is not a science based organization.

  11. Anonymous(September 17,at 4:29:00 PM PDT)
    "It's a matter of public record that big oil spends in the billions to fund climate change denialism. This isn't even controversial. It's not even denied by the industry. People that propagate it are marginalized because a lot of the science is bunk."

    All pure nonsense, propaganda memes spouted repeatedly by CAGW true-believers and useful idiots in the media. Like the "97% consensus" fraud, none of it has any basis in fact.

    "This isn't even controversial", yet CAGW alarmists feel the need to repeat it endlessly.
