Sunday, October 20, 2013

Do Canadian university professors lean left?

Do fish swim?:
... A 2011 study found that Canadian university professors were left leaning but were not "hugely different in this respect from the Canadian university-educated population."
So, for left leaning professors - "mission accomplished".


  1. As the saying goes, Those who can do, those who can't teach.

  2. that was a dumb question 99 percent do yes.

  3. Wah Wah Wah the media is left wing, universities are left wing, Hollywood is left wing. What a tiresome whine. In other news, the Conservative Party of Canada wants to regulate the price of cellphone service, interferes in the free market to stop the sale of companies, supports climate change research etc etc the Conservative party is left wing...WAH.

  4. Heh. I'm guessing that Anon likes the leftist bias.

  5. Come on, let's leave the stereotypes out of the discussion. Here you have a BT blogger (Me, Crux of the Matter) who was always middle of the road or right and a former prof in the hated field of education. Not all of us think alike anymore than any other professions.

  6. Actually Roy, the 99% left is not true. It depends on the discipline. Like business, computer technology, administration, engineering, medicine, and others are usually centrists or right wing. It is those in the humanities and social sciences that are usually left wing.

    The problem is the latter are the noisiest and often in the media.
