Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Marxist cat-fight in Toronto Centre

Terence Corcoran: Linda McQuaig and Chrystia Freeland stage Marxist battle in downtown Canada
On the left running for the NDP stands journalist Linda McQuaig, co-author of The Trouble With Billionaries, a book that plays to ancient leftist theories of alienation ... She prescribes tax rates of up to 70% and radical confiscation of the assets of the wealthy ...

Ms. McQuaig came out swinging Monday with a direct video challenge to her opponent, Liberal candidate Chrystia Freeland. “Hi Chrystia. It’s Linda McQuaig!”  says Ms. McQuaig in her best innocent-friendly trap-setting manner. “You’ve written a book on income inequality and I’ve written a book on income inequality.” But they are very different books, she says, with very different policy prescriptions.  So let’s have a debate, one on one, “any time, anywhere.”

Ms. Freeland’s book is Plutocrats:  The Rise of the New Global Super-rich and the Fall of Everyone Else.  The premise is false—everyone else has not fallen. ... To say that Plutocrats is “very different” from Ms. McQuaig’s The Trouble with Billionaires is somewhat misleading. ...  Both books are identical in their foundations, political tracts that popularize class warfare ... her analysis is no less Marxist in its origins.  She frequently quotes Karl Marx, the granddaddy of state socialism. Marx, she says, understood the dangers of a capitalist class ... 
... The poor voters of Toronto Centre are about to get a heavy dose of such crypto-Marxist revivalism. ...


  1. It is sad -- they are both marxist-leninists. So where is the choice? Conservatives or Marxist-Leninist Party #1 or Marxist-Leninst Party #2 -- suggest you look at the life party of both candidates and why they are where they are now.

    Lock and load

  2. The good news is that these two commies are bad news for Mulcair and Trudeau.

    The bad news is that one of them will win the riding.

    The good news ....

  3. I was manning me stall at St. Lawrence market last friday, McQuaig came by talking & gladhanding with vendors. I was desparately looking for an out as i was next in line. I breathed a sigh of relief when she went the other way...

    Agent Smith

  4. geez Agent Smith, last time an obvious Socialist (NDP) buffoon came to my door to get a vote I said thanks for commin' by but I wouldn't vote for you even if you had an AK-47 stuck in my mouth.
    (True story)

  5. Heh:) "an AK-47" - nice touch, Climatecriminal.
