Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Former Harper appointee calls Canada a "rogue state"

Eco-extremist and activist SFU professor Mark Jaccard rebukes Canada at Washington DC event:
... Mark Jaccard was one of the first people nominated by the Conservatives to the environmental file, when he was named in 2006 to the federal government's now-defunct National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy.

The environmental economist delivered a lengthy rebuke of Canada's climate-change performance at the event near the White House, as the Obama administration continued to grapple with whether to approve the Alberta-U.S. pipeline.
"On climate, Canada is a rogue state," Jaccard said ...
Jaccard is a rogue environmentalist with a long history of climate-nuttery. And there are few climate- related issues in BC that he isn't involved in.  It's hard to imagine that the federal bureaucrats who recommended his appointment in 2006 didn't have some inkling of who they'd be getting.


  1. Being an SFU alumni myself, I've known about Marc Jaccard for longer than I have about Harper so kind of surprised Harper would appoint him in the first place. Jaccard takes a staunch stance on the environment, far more than I agree with, but at least when from what I've seen of him he is honest about the fact the goals the environmentalists want to meet cannot be met without huge sacrifices from everyone. The problem is many pretend we can be green without making hard changes so everybody likes the idea of green, but when they see it means much higher gas prices and higher utility bills they bail on the green idea pretty quickly.

  2. It has absolutely nothing to do with the high cost of the green idea and has everything to do with the fact man made global warming was a hoax and a scam from the get go, and really a massive re-distribution of wealth plan for third world countries.The Suzukie's and al gores of this world have been found out and are no longer listened too.Now if we could only get back the billions of dollars that were stolen from us and these frauds thrown in jail then and only then would justice be served...Steve O

  3. I am not saying global warming is a threat but the reality is the overwhelming majority of Canadians (even if ignorant on the idea) believe it is. The way to kill any of the plans is to mention the cost not global warming is a hoax. And here's a challenge I would put out to Suzuki and Gore: would you favour shutting every coal fired plant down and replacing it with a nuclear one? That alone would dramatically cut emissions off course many environmentalists hate nuclear even though it is the cleanest form of energy that is reliable.

  4. Labeling Canada a "rogue state" is the new mantra from the desperate morally bankrupt lefty's, socialists marxists, commies that inhabit the whole "global warming" con game. The people that follow these pied pipers of doom and believe that taxing everyone to death will somehow "control the weather" must be brain damaged. It's astonishing people can be this terminally stupid. We live in the time of monumental stupidity and grotesque corruption, really astonishing! Look for more hysterical hyperbole from the prophets of doom and inhumanity. Honestly, these lefty weirdos are worse than deranged chimps, how anyone with a normal functioning brain listens to them is absolutely mystifying.

  5. Jaccard is no doubt sincere about his radical views on AGW and the environment.

    But he should know that in taking up political eco-activism he's seriously compromising his integrity as an academic. He will almost certainly be indoctrinating rather than educating his students.
