Thursday, December 19, 2013

Northern Gateway Pipeline approved with conditions

Financial Post:
In a decision that spans two volumes and nearly 500 pages, the three-member panel of environmental and energy regulators led by Sheila Leggett said the $6.5-billion project’s economic benefits outweigh the environmental burdens.

... approval includes 209 environmental, financial and technical conditions. Enbridge must set aside $950-million in liability coverage to cover costs of a potential spill, including at least $100-million available within 10 days in the event of a large rupture and $250-million of “no-fault” insurance, the panel said.

... Five conditions set by the B.C. government are still unresolved, and the pipeline remains deeply unpopular with some aboriginal groups and environmentalists. 

... Reaction from opponents was swift. Greenpeace vowed on Thursday to “do what it takes, from court cases to civil disobedience, to ensure this pipeline never gets built.” 
Vivian Krause shows that opposition to the NGP was largely the work of American ENGO, ForestEthics:
... a large percentage of the fuss over the Northern Gateway pipeline has been generated by a single, American organization: ForestEthics, based in San Francisco.... In its 2012 tax return ... ForestEthics claims credit for having generated fully 87 percent of the letters of comment sent to the National Energy Board regarding the Joint Review Panel for the Northern Gateway.

ForestEthics’s own words in its tax return: ... "... In the last six months of 2012, we amassed more than 25,000 new supporters for this campaign ... In August, we submitted to the National Energy Board 4,119 (out of 4,722 in total submitted) unique Letters of Comment on the Enbridge tankers/pipeline project, written by our supporters.”
... Since 2008, ForestEthics has been the workhorse of the Tar Sands campaign, co-funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Tides Foundation.

 There are many hurdles still to jump, not least those set up by paid agitators and radical eco-fascists organized and funded by foreigners. Also, the BC NDP is still calling for rejection and then there's Christy Clark's "fair share" shakedown to consider.  Et cetera ...


  1. Get ready for the parade of eco-snivelers, anti-everything (except, of course, government freebies, grants and dole) tree hugging leaflickers to line up and scream bloody murder in front of every all too obliging Media Party camera they can find until hell won't have any more of their mindless, inane and shamelessly dishonest crap.

    Gotta love Ezra, though...

    Shreds Mulcair and Trudeau into little bits of unowhat.


  2. it always amazes me that the trough lickers insist on trying to destroy the wealth that makes their trough so full.

  3. Yes, that was good news, but now comes the real test. Will the government start enforcing the rule of law? Will the CRA start applying its own rules and regulations to all "charities" and will there be a crack-down on the millions of foreign funding to radicals and even what would qualify as eco-terrorists in some cases? We now have the green light but will we see the political will to see it through?

  4. Like I said, here comes the parade of roaches right on cue...


  5. There's gotta be a way to keep foreigners and their Canadian lackeys from obstructing the process.

  6. JR, yes and the way is called political will and courage. Furthermore it is imperative for the CRA to revoke the charity status of these groups that engage in politics, since that is already against CRA rules and regulations. Start auditing these groups and ensure that this massive flow of foreign money is above board and legal. Most of the Canadian fronts for these big American groups are not even declaring the funding. It has been through disclosure on the American side that we know about it, nada from their Canadian fronts. Last but vital is enforcing the rule of law when it comes to radicals trespassing and vandalism along with illegal blockades regardless of race, colour or whatever.
