Monday, December 9, 2013

Windfarm victims speaking out

Watch this trailer for a one hour documentary, An Ill Wind, in which people living near wind turbines are interviewed by Dr. Nina Pierpoint:
...we didn't know the full effects,'s been sheer hell,
...cattle bleeding out of their noses,
...stray voltage, empire of lies, rush mentality,
...people are afraid to speak up,
...Obama's Chief Economic Advisor is the principal of First Wind; before that, he was president of Harvard University, until he was fired,
...there is definitively this element of the con artist, the snake oil salesman, the evangelist; the con is alive and with us.
And then there's the the huge added cost to consumers, the unreliable and inefficient energy production, the visual pollution on landscapes and the killing of birds by the millions.  All thanks to "climate change" fanaticism and its accompanying "green energy" fetishism.

[Via FOS]


  1. You just can't make up rank hypocrisy like this...

    Unless. of course, you're "green".


  2. Geez, I'll say! Thanks for the link, springer. I've added it to my post.

  3. I am in total agreement with the people that living next to these turbines has a dramatic effect on their health.
    I live and farm in Northern BC and recently been affected by noise from drilling rigs that are adjacent to my property. (900 meters west) For the last 8 months I was unable to sleep in the front part of our house due to the vibration on my ear drums caused by the 'shakers' used by the drilling company. The noise affected me but not my wife. Some people that came to visit could hear the noise and others could not. I imagine that it would be similar to the noise from wind turbines.

    I have talked to all levels of Government without success. (BC Oil and Gas Commission, WCB, Regional District, Health department, Oil Company, Drilling rig personal and even send a letter to Sun News without any response.

    News articles in Southern BC never mention any adverse effects that the BC Governments quest for Shale Gas is having on the Northern BC farming communities. The Oil Companies just say that it is new age so, get used to the noise!
    The best response that I got was from the Northern Health Department when they told me to go to a doctor and get my ears checked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
