Saturday, January 4, 2014

2013 a bad year for Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warmists

Just the Facts:
... Regardless of efforts to nebulize CAGW to explain all forms of climatic and weather variation, in 2013 every loosely falsifiable prediction of the CAGW narrative seems to have failed. The apparent complete failure of the CAGW narrative in 2013 could make the most fundamentalist agnostic wonder if Mother Nature sometimes takes sides ...


  1. Certainly this winter in Canada so far has been quite cold. The warmists basically shot themselves in the foot by making outlandish predictions which were never likely to materialize. Had the made more modest predictions they would have had more credibility, but it also would have reduced political support for many policies they advocate. An example of this was in 2000 a British climatologist said snow would be a rare and exciting thing by 2010, yet in both 2010 and 2011 they had their two coldest winters in 30 years and paralyzing snow in Britain.

  2. The weaker the CAGW case becomes, the more they seem convinced it's true. And yes, for those who push statist policies CAGW is an extremely convenient idea. There's little sign of governments backing away from it. It has huge momentum that will take a long time and, unfortunately, lots of cold weather to overcome.

  3. Like all scams anthropogenic global warming or even anthropogenic climate change is the same. To discover the truth, follow the money. Enough said.
