Friday, February 7, 2014

Unethical collusion between the CBC and ROM

Ezra Levant revisits the Royal Ontario Museum presentation of "The Trial of David Suzuki", this time using memos and e-mails between the CBC, ROM and lobby groups funding the partisan anti-oil propaganda stunt to highlight their strange and unethical behaviour.  The CBC's Laurie  Brown is 'credited' with dreaming up the loopy idea and enlisting the other participants.

A great performance by Ezra.  He deserves an award.


  1. Thank You Ezra you rock!

  2. Wow, real investigative journalism! How refreshing. Keep it up, Ezra.

  3. Email the CBC ombudsman to find out why none of this matters....

  4. The Conservative government spent $69 million on advertising campaigns in 2012, bring Ottawa’s five-year total to more than $473 million.

  5. Not only is Ezra Levant the best investigative journalist in Canada, it seems as if he is the only one.
    Where is the PPG on this and dozens of other stories? Where for that matter is the CBC. SNN with a fraction of their resources is consistently able to present stories that they wish to ignore.
    In this latest abuse, heads should definitely roll, just don't count on it.

  6. Martin, I couldn't agree more. Ezra is doing a fantastic job and he does it with humour and flair. The liberal-minded PPG just refuses to hold their liberal-minded pals at ROM and CBC to account. It's the same in Ontario with the Liberals' corruption and incompetence.
