Sunday, April 27, 2014

Robocall "scandal" officially over - Elections Canada declares "nothing to see here"

Ezra sums up three years of anti-Harper derangement:

Update [via a link from the comments]: Here's Greg Renouf's (GenuiNEWitty) very detailed account of the who was behind the fraudulent promotion of the Robocall affair as a "scandal".  Some teasers:
... I saw an event posted on Facebook by a man named Jon Allan, a meeting to plan a protest. 

... Walking into the meeting, one would never had expected it was anything but grassroots.

... as time passed and the first protest came to fruition, it quickly became obvious I was observing an AstroTurf fraud.

... When Libby Davies warned us about “American style dirty politics”, she wasn’t kidding us- only, the tricks she was referring to were coming from her own side!  Just like their smaller sibling LeadNow, has been conducting the same type of anti-robocall campaigns in the US.


  1. Strange there are no media write ups on the conclusion of the 3 year investigation of the bogus robocalls except Michael Harris the Harper hater today on national Newswatch and it's hilarious to read it...he has egg on his face and is trying his best to squirm out of it with his conspiracy mumbo jumbo. Thousands of reports on robocalls and now crickets when the truth of nothing there comes out. Sickening bunch.

  2. Strange there are no media write ups on the conclusion of the 3 year investigation of the bogus robocalls except Michael Harris the Harper hater today on national Newswatch and it's hilarious to read it...he has egg on his face and is trying his best to squirm out of it with his conspiracy mumbo jumbo. Thousands of reports on robocalls and now crickets when the truth of nothing there comes out. Sickening bunch.

  3. check this out
