Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Naomi Klein, the narcissistic one percenter who thinks she's Gaia

Naomi Klein has a new book out.  James Delingpole outlines what you need to know about it (and her).  A sampling of headings:

It's all about Naomi. ...
Naomi may possibly be under the illusion that she is Gaia ... 

Naomi Klein is a one percenter - and therefore happily cushioned from all the economy-destroying measures she proposes ...

The interview she gave to (a clearly infatuated, slavering) Vogue is both depressing and unintentionally hilarious ...


  1. "We convened at Sous....Bar". In real life, we convene at a not-that-fancy local restaurant after a fairly sweaty session cutting up the logs produced when a rotten old evergreen was chopped down before it was taken out by the wind and hit the house. No celebrities here, just the family. And we dont' have the privilege of just convening sans children; the grandbaby is very much with us.

    All things considered, I am firmly convinced we had the better outing.

  2. Like most (all?) big city lefties Klein and her social set are wealthy, entitled snots.

    I'd add "nauseating" to Delingpole's description of that interview.
