Saturday, September 13, 2014

New Brunswick Law Society bigots vote 137/30 to ban Trinity graduates

Today at a Special General Meeting of the Law Society of New Brunswick:
"...members of the Law Society of New Brunswick passed a resolution by a vote of 137 to 30 directing Council not to approve Trinity Western University’s Law school as a faculty of law."

Update (brought forward from the comments):

When the BC College of Teachers tried to pull a similar stunt the Supreme Court of Canada ruled (8/1) in favour of Trinity. See para 35 of the ruling where it is stated:  
"... there is nothing in the TWU Community Standards that indicates that graduates of TWU will not treat homosexuals fairly and respectfully. Indeed, the evidence to date is that graduates from the joint TWU-SFU teacher education program have become competent public school teachers, and there is no evidence before this Court of discriminatory conduct by any graduate. ..." 

So, extrapolating that ruling to the NB case (there's no basic difference), the NB Law Society's anti-Christian bigotry is illegal, a violation of Charter Rights and Freedoms. For more discussion read this article.


  1. It would appear that law societies regard following Christ and lawyering as conflicting interests.
    Dick the Butcher

  2. Storied American schools like Yale or Harvard started out as Christian institutions. Would the NB Law Society have trouble recognizing Lawyers from these academies? Somehow I doubt it; it is much easier to bully a small unfashionable Canadian school.

  3. There is a truism in the generalization that all bigots have fascist tendencies only outdone by their cowardice and profound ignorance... The New Brunswick Law society is a prime example of the truth in this theory. Somewhat ironic coming from a welfare Province like New Brunswick that leeches off of other Provinces, like BC, to pay for unsustainable bigoted social engineering schemes like "bilingualism".

  4. Trinity is not open to all students. Why should the law society?

  5. Anon (3:59:00 PM)
    When the BC College of Teachers tried to pull a similar stunt the Supreme Court of Canada ruled (8/1) in favour of Trinity. See para 35 of the ruling where it is stated:
    "... there is nothing in the TWU Community Standards that indicates that graduates of TWU will not treat homosexuals fairly and respectfully. Indeed, the evidence to date is that graduates from the joint TWU-SFU teacher education program have become competent public school teachers, and there is no evidence before this Court of discriminatory conduct by any graduate. ..."

    So, extrapolating that ruling to the NB case (there's no basic difference), the NB Law Society's anti-Christian bigotry is illegal, a violation of Charter Rights and Freedoms.

    For more discussion read this article.

  6. Appropriate I guess...Jesus didn't hold lawyers in high regard either

    But He said, "Woe to you lawyers as well! For you weigh men down with burdens hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers. Luke 11:46
