Sunday, October 5, 2014

A prime minister's decision to go to war

David Akin reminds us:
A Canadian prime minister determines that the activities of terrorists operating in a Muslim nation far from Canada’s shores is such a threat to Canada’s security, that he dispatches Canadian Forces on a combat mission. There is no debate or discussion in Parliament let alone a vote. There seems not to have even been a full cabinet discussion before the prime minister makes his decision. Simply a request from an American president.
That was all it took for Jean Chrétien to to begin what would become Canada’s decade-long war against terrorism in Afghanistan. ...
I've heard it said that Jean Chretien is supplying Justin Trudeau with backroom advice.  Could that be true?


  1. First of all, the opposition parties made it clear that they do want to go to war to help foreign allies eliminate the forces of evil of ISIS that brutalizes and beheads the innocents with a knife. Therefore, a debate is a waste of time.
    None of us in Canada or in any country- no matter how democratic and free it may be, is free of terrorist attacks.

  2. Harper sent 26 guys to Iraq and 13 to the Ukraine. It's an embarrassing response. If Harper is serious he should send a Division with 6,000 guys.
